A Day in the Life of a Pregant Journalist

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If there was one thing women haven't told Katherine about pregnancy, it was how horrible it was. Women would tell her how even if there was just the tiniest pain, you wouldn't notice it due to the fact your focused on the miracle of your little one. Lie. They would tell her that you would have a beautiful glow which made everyone stare in awe. Lie. They told you that the bigger you got, the more joy it brought you. Lie. Katherine was sick and tired of it. Yes she loved her husband and her child, who couldn't, but she wanted this baby soon.

It didn't change that morning when she unwantingly woke up. The child inside her woke her up with a big kick to the stomach, causing her to wake up in pain. Katherine moaned, rubbing her stomach and tried to fall asleep, but with no avail. Sighing, she turned her head to face her still sleeping husband, Jack. She looked at his peaceful, sleeping form and inwardly sighed. Lucky, she thought. Slowly and silently, she turned to her side, facing him. He was snoring softly, his hair lightly falling over his eyes, an arm lightly wrapped around her stomach. So handsome, she thought. Slowly, she leaned over, moved his hair over and gave him a chaste kiss on his forehead, humming as the soft heat radiating off his head, touched her slightly chapped lips. She smiled at him as he hummed at the affectionate gesture, smiling softly, even though he hasn't even woken up.

Katherine reluctantly turned out of his comforting touch and got out of the bed, hand on her extended stomach, and walked to the kitchen. Even at six months pregnant, she had obtained a slight waddle which Jack would always tease her about, by saying how she resembled a penguin but a mighty fine cute one; resulting in an eye-roll. As her baby kicked her again, reminding her that she and her child were hungry, she started working on breakfast for three; consisting of pancakes, bacon, eggs and potatoes. Simple, yet filling, she called it.

It wasn't long until she heard heavy footsteps on their wooden floors in their apartment and she felt arms wrap around her stomach. Jack leaned over her shoulder and kissed her cheek.

"Good mornin', Ace", he murmured.

Quickly taking her eyes off the eggs, she turned her head to him.

"Good morning, Cowboy", she replied.

Jack smirked at his name before leaning forwards and capturing her lips with his. He smiled into the kiss before kissing her again. Katherine giggled before, reluctantly, pulling out and turning back to the eggs. Jack sighed and rested his head on her shoulder, quickly pulling back the fabric of her night gown to kiss her shoulder.

"How are ya dis mornin'?", Jack asked against her soft skin.

"Tired", was Katherine's blatant response," Your child kept kicking me all night".

Jack let out a gasp before saying in a playful tone,"Why is it my child when he causes ya pain? Ya know how it's done! It starts with-"

Katherine turned around and punched him in the upper arm," I know how it works! I was there!".

"Yes, you were", Jack smiled at her suggestively, wagging his eyebrows up and down.

Katherine simply rolled her eyes and turned around finishing the eggs. Jack held her closely before kissing her check again and moving to her left side.

He glanced at her, looking her up and down. He always found himself doing this, especially now that she's been pregnant, and growing- fast. He was taking it all in, her beauty plus the miracle, she's been holding for six months now. She was the top of the market in beauty, especially now that she was carrying his child. Even that thought, he couldn't even fathom. His child. His blood. His kin. He never even thought he found find love or settle down, never even thinking of having a child, and it scared him. Nothing he had done, he thought, would've prepared him for parenting. Every time he would think he would be a terrible father, Katherine was always there, assuring him, telling him that she felt the same way and that they could do it together. They believed in each other- and that's all they really needed. Now looking at her, he couldn't imagine anyone else he would be with, nobody else to carry his child- or children- no one else to care for him, except her.

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