Twin Swords

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In 1633 Japan closed its borders to the outside world. Completely.

Citizens would never see a white face, nor any face that was not Japanese.

A child born of mixed race would be considered less than human.

Pitiable. Impure. Monstrous.

From these times rose a legend.

Of a swordsman. Of a sword. Of REVENGE.


Two strangers walk together in a forest covered in snow. Mizu and Chikyu. Both siblings. They looked almost identical as one of them had their hair up and the other had their hair down. Their clothes were identical. But their scarves were different. One was white and the other was black. One of them wore a hat and glasses as the other only had nothing to hide. They both arrived at a village heading to their exact destination. It was like a ghost town. There was hardly anyone outside but the children. Three boys saw these strangers and thought about messing with them. One of them picks up a rock and goes to throw it at one of them but stops when Mizu gives a sideways glance. This told the boys to run away from these strange people.

The two strangers entered a restaurant. Silence filled the room as cold wind blew through the entrance. All eyes watched as they sat down at an unreserved table waiting for someone to take their order. They looked like they had a long journey. They must be hungry. A man with stubbed arms sat next to Mizu as Chikyu sat across the table with Mizu at her left side. The server sat a tray on the table and greeted the new customers. "Welcome, sir and madam." He said, greeting them with a bow. "I'll bring you some tea. It's not good tea, but it's hot, and you're frozen, and I'll bring you a rag because when I'm frozen, my snot drips." He said, speaking his mind. "Then a nice big bowl of soba. We make the best soba. Honest. Bad tea, great soba. Okay?" The server finished with a smile waiting for their response. The two were silent and looked at each other. Mizu gave a nod to the server. He starts to hum a tune as he takes the tray from the table and bring the bad tea and good soba.

He was stopped by a customer's leg demanding more food and he wasn't too polite about it. "Stompy! More noodles, fast." The server nods and resumes his way to the kitchen. Two girls sat together with their heads down as if they were avoiding eye contact. The rude man noticed that they hadn't touched their food. "Finish your bowls. I paid your fathers good money for you. The brothels will pay me even more once you get some curve on, you skinny country nothings. Eat!" He told them as he grabbed one of the girls by her jaw. He's a Flesh-Trader. The siblings noticed this but sat there knowing not to get involved. Tea was first served to them and Chikyu thought she would try it to see if it was as bad as they were told. She blew the steam coming from the cup and took a sip. She seems to like it. She took another sip followed by a relieving sigh. The server from earlier came back with two bowls of soba for the two and set them down on the table. Mizu grabs the bowl and takes a few whiffs. He slurps the juice from the bowl and eats up the soba until there is nothing. "It's good, right?" Asks the server. Mizu sets his bowl back on the table satisfied with his meal. The server sighs deeply, relieved that they at least have satisfied customer.

He leaves the table and heads to the man who was so demanding for his food. He stuffs his face with noodles and notices that the food had been served. "Finally! Eat up, girls. Eat it all!" He grabbed the same girl by her jaw again and this time she forced his hand away, knocking the tray from the server to make a bowl fall on the Flesh-Trader. He growls and slaps the server for dropping hot noodles on him. "What are you? A dog?" He asks coldly. He then pointed at the owner of the restaurant feeling insulted to be served by a "dog". "You let a dog serve food!" The owner laughs nervously not wanting any trouble from the Flesh-Trader. He bows his head asking for forgiveness. "Forgive my son. Can't go a day without breaking dishes." He says to the Flesh-Trader. He doesn't seem to favor his son at all. "Ringo, clean him!" He exclaimed. Ringo quickly apologized and tried to hurry up and get a rag to clean up the mess but slipped on soba and in the process spilled more noodles on the Flesh-Trader. The two girls looked at each other and one of them smirks a little, wanted to see the Flesh-Trader humiliated. "Sorry, sorry." Ringo says trying to apologize for his mistake, cleaning up the mess he made. The Flesh-Trader was fed up with his nonsense. He growls and pulled out a gun pointing it to the server boy. People notice this and watch as he points the gun at Ringo. The two siblings also noticed this but saw something about the gun.

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