Twin Dogs

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Rain poured hard. The dusty earth had turned to mud by the falling water from the sky. Two twins ran together in the rain. One wore a mask to hide the cursed blue eyes and the other held onto their twin running from someone. They found a spot to hide. But a band of boys were hot on their tail. They were after them. The leader of these boys found tracks that lead to the kids they were chasing. He pointed in the direction to where they were and the kids followed. The twins ran as soon as they were found. The boys carried sticks and it was likely the boys wanted to hit them. The twins tried to get away from the boys but they couldn't lose them. "Keep going!" Said the twin holding onto her brother. They ran through trees and stopped at a ledge. It was a long drop. The twins had nowhere else to go. They held onto each other and tried to think of a way to get out of this bad situation. But the boys caught up to them. "You wanna go? Go ahead." Said the leader. "Just jump." He smirked. The young twin did not want to run but instead tried to stand her ground and tell them to leave them alone. "Go away!" "Hah! What are you gonna do? You're just a girl." The older twin did not like when people teased her younger sibling so he and his sister locked hands and stood together. "You think you can fight us? Two orphans?" Said one of the boys pointing their stick. "I know what you are." Added the leader. "Your whore mother killed herself because your father is a white devil."

All the boys laughed. This angered the twins. They both charged at the leader, knocking him to the ground. The other boys went to hit the older sibling while the younger sibling was held back, trying to break free from their grip. The boys beat the older sibling and punched him to the ground. The younger twin got free from the boy's grip and ran to her older twin trying to make sure he was okay. His mask had fallen off and his blue eyes were exposed. "Told you. Round eyes. Like a dog." The boys laughed again. The older sibling hated them for doing this to him and his sister. He gritted his teeth and kicks the boy in the stomach. The boy grunts picking himself up off the ground. The young twin laughed at him and the boy didn't like that. He picked up a rock and raised it over his head. The twins were afraid that this was the end for them.

A blue light came from the sky, and fell down to the earth making an exploding sound. That sound could be heard from miles. And that thing casted a shiny blue light. The boys disperse are ran back home.

The twins hid behind a rock hoping the boys were gone. The older twin coughed, catching his breath. "Are you okay, Mizu?" "I'm fine. I'm okay." The young sibling hugged her twin, happy that he was okay. A squeaking sound came from behind the rock. The two looked from behind and saw a man carrying a wooden cart behind him. He was getting closer to the bright blue light and the twins watched to see what would happen. The man carried tongs and came close to the glowing spot. He raised his hands to feel the steam and heat radiating from this glowing spot. He took his tongs and clanked the object. It made a chiming sound. The man opened his eyes. But he could not see this chiming metal. "Hmm. The heavens throw treasure." He hummed followed by a smile. He went to grab this strange metal but it stuck to the earth. He grunts after each tug but they were unsuccessful. The twins saw that this man needed a little help. After a few tugs, he was just about to give up, but heard the grunts of two children helping him. The man and twins both made the effort to tug out the metal free and after all that effort the metal popped out. The twins smiled at each other then at the old man. The three of them went to grab onto the metal. "One, two and-" The old man counted and they all lifted the metal and carried it to the cart. The old man went to the front of the cart and the twins stayed in the back, pushing the cart as the man pulled it.

The old man lived far away from the town. He gave the twins some food as he worked on the strange metal. They shared the bowl as they explored where he live in. It looked like he made swords for samurais. Several tongs and hammers and swords on the walls and a fireplace was always lit so it would stay warm inside. "Take the bowl as you go. Thank you." He continued his work on the metal. The twins didn't move. They sat there knowing they would be chased by those boys again if they left. "You did not go." The man hummed. "Have you somewhere to go?" He asked. The older twin looked at his sister and lied. "Yes." "Well, go then. Now. Goodbye." The twins got up and headed for the door. It was raining so much they would catch a cold in that storm. The older twin closed the door. He put his index finger to his mouth telling his sister to stay quiet. The two tippy toed their way around the man to hide from him so they could stay. "It's a strange metal." He sighed. He walked away from the fireplace and went to his futon to sleep. The twins thought they should do the same. Mizu pulled a cloth over him and his sister so they both could sleep. They don't have any bedding but at least they will be warm. "Mizu." His sister whispered his name. "I miss mama." Chikyu said. Mizu expressed the same feelings Chikyu had. "Me too." They held each other, told each other goodnight and went to sleep.

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