The Four Fangs and The Wolf

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Chikyu often walked alone in the woods to find food. She carried a knife and set a snare for rabbits or quail. A bell would be set as an alarm if an animal were caught. It was easy for her to capture the animals but would often have trouble un-aliving them. She would look into their eyes and see a world in the creatures and hesitate. But after hesitation, she would muster up the courage to kill them. But for this hunt, she made an exception.
It was a misty morning. Chikyu woke up early to bring in what ever animal was caught so she, Mizu and Swordfather can eat. She headed to the spot where she hunted and the bell rung. This was a surprise. She ran to the spot and took out her knife and to her surprise a wolf was caught in the snare. This was unexpected. A fox would come through and get caught in the snare and at some times it's neck would be broken. Wolf sightings in Kohama was rare. Chikyu had never seen a wolf before. The wolf was trying so hard to move it's leg out of the snare, moving from one side to the other, trying to kame the effort to escape and tried to bite at the string.

Chikyu had to do something or the string will cut through the wolf's leg. She tried getting closer to the wolf, inch by inch. Just as she was close enough to the wolf, the beast snarls at Chikyu and she falls back. The wolf got close enough to her face and growls, pulling on it's front leg. She was frozen still. The eyes of the wolf had entranced her and she couldn't move. And for that moment she thought she heard the wolf speak. "If I weren't caught in this snare... I'd kill you!" Chikyu felt fear coursing through her. She knows the wolf would mean to kill because wolves are born to kill, they are born to hunt. But the girl felt that she must free this beast. She did not break eye contact with the wolf and uses the knife to cut the string from the wolf's leg.

The wolf was cut free. As the string was cut the wolf immediately runs off into the woods. Chikyu was in awe. The wolf did not attack like he said and instead ran away. Is she being protected by a force? A god? Or was it that the wolf had no intention of killing her at all? Perhaps the beast was just scared and wanted to scare Chikyu incase she wanted to hurt it. This wolf was certainly strange.


Mizu sat under a tree with a fire lit to keep warm. She was in deep thought. She thought of nothing but killing the white men that are close to death. She reflects herself and sees a white haired blue eyed version of herself. Her sword cut her throat and blood covered her face. Mizu opens her eyes and looks down to her tattoo. The dot at the bottom of the X was her last kill of the four white men. She will fill another mark of the X when she kills the next man. "Tomorrow, he dies."

Suddenly, drums were beating in the distance. It was about time for the Shingi. "Huh. The drums. Maybe I'll just go look at the fun." She said putting on her glasses. Just as she was getting up a blade pierced through the tree and startled Mizu. She stands up and unsheathes her sword to the Four Fangs. They were sent to kill her and her twin. Mizu backs up as they move in closer. The leader grabs his blade from the tree and frowns at Mizu. He looked familiar. "I don't know you, and we have no dispute." Mizu claims.
"You have enemies now. Rich ones." Said the Fang leader. "You can take off those things. We know what they hide. We know who you are." Mizu raised her eyebrow. "All of Kyoto is talking about the unnamed samurais who cut through the Shindo Dojo." Mizu removes her glasses and to the Fangs surprise, her eyes are blue. Blue like an onryo. "We have a name." "No one will ever know them." The Fangs unsheathe their blade and goes to attack Mizu. Mizu blocks the attacks easily and waits for the perfect moment to strike. Just as she was about to one of the Fangs kick snow at her and slashes his sword to her kimono and was so close to cutting her throat. She backs up from them. She was getting so close to the edge. "Dojos fight to boast. Warriors fight to kill." Said the Fang leader. Mizu was cornered. She had nowhere to go. The Fang leader laughs. Mizu knew she had to find room to kill them, so she lowers her sword and jumps off the edge.

Blue Eye Samurai AU | Mud BugsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang