Heiji Shindo

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They all kept going through the mountain, following Okiyamma, close to the spot for tea. Ringo tried to control his horse to catch up to Taigen as he pulls the lead on the horse. He pulls out a rice ball and hands it to Taigen. "You know, you picked a ridiculous master," Taigen says, taking the rice ball. "but you take good care of him." He takes a bite of the rice ball and smiles. "Hmm. I tell you what. After I kill him, you come you come work for me." He smirks. "You can't be my apprentice. I mean, look at you, half-limb to a half-wit. But I'll certainly make a place for you in my kitchens." He says as he finishes his rice ball. Ringo thought otherwise. "Oh, I could never work for you. I always dreamt of greatness." Ringo says with a smile. "Get every coin I ever collected to the saisen box with a prayer on it."
"You think you can be great?" Taigen asks. "As it says, there are four paths through the world. The way of the farmer, the artisan, the merchant, and the warrior. Each of these can lead to greatness. I never even cared which path, so long as I found mine. I mean, I thought I'd reach noodle greatness." Ringo frowns, showing his disappointment in himself. Chikyu could hear the conversation going on and wanted to be there to tell Ringo he was great at something. "But now I've actually seen what greatness looks like. And I know I can't touch greatness anymore than I can swallow the sun, but I can help. I can help greatness." Ringo goes to catch up to the twins with Taigen behind feeling a bit offended. "What? I'm great!"

Ringo hands Mizu a rice ball and smiles, knowing he can be useful. Mizu takes a bite of the rice ball and smiles a bit. She hands the rice ball over to her sister to have a bite as well, and willingly accepts. Chikyu thanks Ringo.

They all reach to a stop to an path and get off their horses. Okiyamma points to the path, telling Mizu to go through there. "Oh no. No, thank you. We're not going in that death trap." Taigen says reluctant to go through the path. "Heiji Shindo is this way?" Okiyamma nods yes. "Then I go this way." Chikyu went to follow but Mizu stops her. "You stay here."
"What? But you said-"
"I know what I said, but I need you to stay here. I can't risk losing you." Chikyu wanted to go with her sister but she can understand why she wants her to stay behind. She nods in agreement and stays behind.
"Promise me you'll be careful."
"No promises."
"Mizu!" Mizu sighs in defeat.
"I promise." She says walking into the path to Heiji Shindo.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Taigen went to follow Mizu but was stopped by Okiyamma. "I'm the only who gets to kill him. So if he's walking in to meet certain death, I'll be there to keep him and death from getting to friendly. Got it?" Okiyamma let him follow while Chikyu watches them walk into the path. Ringo tried to follow but was stopped by Okiyamma as well. "Hold." Okiyamma said. Ringo looks at him, seemingly surprised. "You talk?"

Mizu and Taigen make their way through the ice canyon as Taigen starts to wonder why their even here in the first place.
" 'Meet me for tea. It'll be fun.' " Taigen says, doubting there is even any tea at all.

As they made their way through the canyon, Taigen had the feeling they were being watched. Mizu knows there could be anything on the other side, and like always, keeps her guard up. "It opens up here. Get ready." Taigen says as they make their way through to the opening. They both grib onto their swords as the tension builds, ready for whatever is on the other side. They run out of the path and stop to see a ceremonial set up in the middle of the open. Heiji Shindo greets them from afar. "Hello!" Mizu straight away let's go of her sword and stood straight, not seeing an attack and thought to sit down. "Huh. I was just in the mood for tea." "It's still a trap." Taigen assumes.


Heiji Shindo prepared tea for the two. It was strange for Taigen to see there was actually tea and a peaceful meeting with Heiji. The merchant hands over the tea to Mizu and bows. "In my youth, I saw enough flawless swordsmen to know I'd never be one. I put my effort into other arts. Commerce. Tea. That kettle has been in the Shindo clan for 300 year."
"Beautiful ironwork." Mizu compliments.
"We have no secrets here." Heiji says, pointing to his eye, gesturing to Mizu's glasses. She knows it's just the three of them and does what she hates doing. She removes her hat and her glasses, revealing her blue eyes.
"You were meant to be alone. Fair. You expected an attack." Heiji pours some tea for himself. "I am unarmed but for a small knife to cut bean cake."
"We have our swords." Taigen reminds him. "Maybe I have 500 archers hidden in the cliffs around us." He laughs at his small joke.
"My sister would know if you were lying." "Would she?" Heiji smiles, doubtful about what Mizu said.
"Yes. From your eyes to your face to your voice and arms. She sees everything." Now Mizu wishes she had her sister with her. "You are Heiji Shindo. You trade in flesh, opium, chiefly guns. Middleman to illegal traders from the West."
"You have been looking for me." Heiji assumed. "For a man you are connected with." Mizu corrects him.
"I am connected with many men."
"The white man." Heiji Shindo kept his smile and didn't lose his confidence. "There are no white men in Japan. That's the law. No one would break the law." He said as if he specifically has no connection at all. He then laughs, knowing he can't hide it from Mizu, knowing she already knows. "Abijah Fowler." He finally admits.

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