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A/N: I'm posting all of the parts here. Because this is from AO3, there will be some markets around the sentences. If you want to read this fic without that, please go to my AO3: bunnyscenarios or my tumblr: bwabys-scenarios. I am posting this here for fun, this story is 250k+ words so no, I am not going to go through each chapter and fix it up. That would take ages, I write this story on my phone. So if you have a problem with it, there are TWO other sites for you to read this fic on WITHOUT the markers. If I get too many complaints I will STRAIGHT UP delete this fic here.


Kurapika tried to catch his breathing as he hid behind a garbage can, gasping out in pain.

His current mission was a dangerous one and had nearly resulted in the loss of his arm. Right now, he held the bloody gash and gritted his teeth. Kurapika had the scarlet eyes, but his mission was far from over.

"I think he went that way!"

Kurapika his his presence and pulled his legs to his chest, making himself as small as possible to avoid detection.

They passed the alleyway by, the Kurta holding his breath until he couldn't hear their footsteps any longer.

He let out a relieved sigh, shaking some of the blood from his hand and opening his phone. He sent Leorio a quick text saying his mission was nearly over, knowing how worried his friend had been.

Now, Kurapika only had to worry about finding somewhere to hide while he recovered.

But where?

He didn't know anyone in this city, he'd never been here before. Except...

A memory came rushing back to his mind, the blonde frowning.

"You always have a place with me, Kurapika. Here's my number."

If he wasn't holding his injured arm to try and stop the bleeding, he may have slapped a hand onto his forehead.

Yes, she lived here. He'd forgotten.

Kurapika scrolled through his contacts, clicking her name and scrolling through the limited messages the two had sent each other.

She'd given him her address if he ever wanted to stop by, saying he was welcome anytime.

He just hoped (Name) wouldn't mind him getting blood all over her floor.


Finding her house wasn't easy.

She lived on the opposite side of town, in a secluded neighborhood framed by a small patch of woodland.

Although he was thankful it was far enough away that the people searching for him wouldn't think to look there, he was still grumpy.

Kurapika couldn't really help that. The more he moved the more blood he lost. When he finally stepped onto her porch, he had to lean against a wall for support.

He knocked on the door quickly, wincing at the sight of blood smearing the white surface.


If Kurapika wasn't nearly doubled over in pain and bleeding out, he may have been excited to hear her voice.

The girl opened the door shortly after.

<p>It had been a while since he'd seen her, nearly two years. The last time was in York New, when she and the others had been there to support him as he attempted to avenge his clan.</p></div><div>

<p>He could still remember the feeling of her hands pushing his hair back, the sound of her concerned voice reaching his ears.</p></div><div>

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