Pool Time

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<p>Kurapika woke up with a headache, grateful for whatever soft surface he was nestled against. He knew he needed to get up and take some medicine for the pain, but how could he when he was just so comfortable?</p><div>

<p>'Mmm... when did I fall asleep?'</p></div><div>

<p>He slowly lifted himself up, blinking sleepily as his eyes focused on the surface he'd been lying on.</p></div><div>

<p>His eyes landed on two soft mounds laid he'd been resting between, his tired mind trying to make sense of what they were before he heard something.</p></div><div>

<p>"Mmph... Kurapika, you awake?"</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) pushed herself up, rubbing at her eyes as she yawned. Kurapika stared at her for a few seconds as he began to process everything.</p></div><div>

<p>His hands were at either side of her hips and his face inches away from her boobs. Was that... was that the soft surface he'd just been sleeping on?</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika rose from the couch and sprinted to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. (Name) was too tired to react and ended up rolling over and pulling the throw blanket up to her chin.</p></div><div>

<p>'When did I end up... like that? I was lying between...'</p></div><div>

<p>He slowly stroked his cock to the residual feeling of her boobs pressed against his face. Kurapika lifted his shirt to his nose, sighing in contentment at (Name)'s lingering scent. </p></div><div>

<p>It made his stomach coil into a tight knot, the man barely containing a whimper as he came onto his freshly cleaned sheets.</p></div><div>

<p>It was still dark outside, the man realizing he'd need to get his sheets to the laundry room before anyone else woke up.</p></div><div>

<p>'I wanna sleep like that again...'</p></div><div>

<p>He sighed softly as he carried his sheets to the laundry room, stealing a glance at (Name) when he passed by.</p></div><div>

<p>She looked awfully cute all cuddled up on the couch. Kurapika couldn't help his eyes softening when they landed on her sleeping form.</p></div><div>

<p>He set his sheets down on a chair and stepped closer, crouching down to take a look at her sleeping face.</p></div><div>

<p>She was smiling in her sleep, the blanket pulled up to her chin. Kurapika tucked some of her hair behind her ear and made sure she was completely covered before stepping back.</p></div><div>

<p>It was much easier to look after her while she was asleep. He watched over her every day from a distance, but now he could take in the small details he hadn't been able to during the daylight hours.</p></div><div>

<p>Now that she was asleep, he could give her a sweet smile and admire her cute face without feeling guilty about leaving her in the near future. He'd always found her cute, ever since they first met during the first stage of the Hunter Exam.</p></div><div>

<p>Even now, nearly three years later he still struggled to understand the feelings he had for her. Being near her soothed something deep inside him, calmed the raging fire in his heart that threatened to burn away the last bits of humanity that still remained. </p></div><div>

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