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<p>It was Wednesday, and (Name) was busy in the kitchen. As per usual, when she was nervous, she bakes until she passed out.</p><div>

<p>And she had a good reason to be nervous.</p></div><div>

<p>Illumi was due to arrive at some point in the day, the fact she didn't know when only causing her anxiety to spike. She'd asked the kids to spend the day out in the small patch of woods a few miles away, but worried that wouldn't be far enough.</p></div><div>

<p>"(Name), that's the fourth cake you've baked today. Is something the matter?"</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika stood behind her, peeking over her shoulder to the cake she was currently frosting. The girl clutched the bag of icing just tight enough for it to squirt all over the cake.</p></div><div>


<p>She moved past the blonde and grabbed a kitchen knife to smooth out the icing. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."</p></div><div>

<p>He looked at the cake closer. It was red velvet with a buttercream frosting.</p></div><div>

<p>"No, it's fine. I wasn't going for any complex design anyways."</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika watched as she expertly smoothed out the icing in one quick motion. It was always fascinating to watch her work, her skill evident in the way she completed her baked good quickly and efficiently.</p></div><div>

<p>A buzzing sound was heard from her pocket. A bit too fast for him not to notice, she pulled her phone out and scanned the screen, her eyes widening.</p></div><div>

<p>She placed the dirtied knife into the sink before pulling off her apron. </p></div><div>

<p>(Name) pulled out her phone and quickly called Killua.</p></div><div>

<p>"(Name)? Did something happen?"</p></div><div>

<p>"No, no. I just wanted to know when you'd be home."</p></div><div>

<p>"I don't know, maybe in an hour? Gon found a snake's shedded skin so we're trying to find it."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) grimaced at the mention of them touching something so gross, but didn't react.</p></div><div>

<p>"I see. Well, if you happen to come home earlier can you stop by the store and pick up some eggs? I've seemed to have run out."</p></div><div>

<p>"Yeah sure. Gon wanted popsicles anyway."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) hung up before letting out a relieved sigh.</p></div><div>

<p>"What's got you so worked up?"</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika leaned against the counter, watching her with a mix of concern and amusement.</p></div><div>

<p>"Well... we'll be having a guest over. Not for long though, I hope."</p></div><div>

<p>She had whispered the last part, but he heard it nonetheless.</p></div><div>

<p>"Is our guest unpleasant or something?"</p></div><div>

<p>"Kind of? He'll be here in 30 minutes."</p></div><div>

Fixer UpperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora