Destined to be together

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<p>After the three ate dinner, they decided on moving campsites.</p><div>

<p>"It's in our best interest to not stay in one place for two long. We'll walk across the island and scout out a different place to make camp for the night." Kurapika said, packing up his satchel. (Name) nodded, Leorio carrying her backpack for her.</p></div><div>

<p>"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. But..."</p></div><div>

<p>She held onto Leorio's sleeve. "Won't it be harder to see where we're going in the dark? What if someone stalks us under the cover of night?"</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika stood, brushing off his tabard. "It's better than getting ambushed as we sleep. Someone has been here, I saw footprints near our shelter."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name)'s eyes widened. "I see. Well, lead the way then, Pika."</p></div><div>

<p>He walked ahead of her, occasionally glancing back to stare at Leorio's hand in hers. Kurapika had begrudgingly accepted that Leorio was in fact warmer than him, and if she stayed near Leorio, she wouldn't get too cold.</p></div><div>

<p>It didn't stop him from feeling jealous, though. </p></div><div>


<p>The three walked for a while, until they came across a certain magician.</p></div><div>


<p>Kurapika pushed (Name) behind him, eyes trained on the man. Leorio laughed humorously. "Haha, what a coincidence."</p></div><div>

<p>"Hi Hisoka."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) waved to the man, earning a sly smile in return. "(Name), what a pleasure to see you. I see you're still..."</p></div><div>

<p>He gestured to the butterflies flying around her hips.</p></div><div>


<p>Leorio quickly changed the subject. "Do you think you're his target?"</p></div><div>

<p>"It's possible..." Kurapika responded, glancing back at (Name). They jumped when Hisoka began to laugh.</p></div><div>

<p>"There's no need to be so jumpy. I only came here to ask you all a favor. You see, I only need two more points to pass this faze. How about two of you give me your badges?"</p></div><div>

<p>"Are you serious!?" Leorio exclaimed, reaching for his weapon.</p></div><div>

<p>"Of course."</p></div><div>

<p>"There's no way in hell, forget I-"</p></div><div>

<p>"I'll give you my badge."</p></div><div>

<p>Leorio stopped, eyes going wide when (Name) stepped forward, holding out her badge. "(Name), don't-"</p></div><div>

<p>She continued to walk, but was stopped when her badge was snatched from her hand.</p></div><div>

<p>"Pika, why did you take my badge?"</p></div><div>

<p>He didn't answer, instead turning to Hisoka. "You say you only need two more points, which means we aren't your targets, isn't that correct?"</p></div><div>

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