Sick and tired

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<p>(Name) was woken up at 3 am the next night by a knock on her door. She blinked awake slowly, wobbling over to the door before opening it. </p><div>

<p>Gon stood behind it, looking a little pale, with flushed cheeks. "(Name)... I threw up..." </p></div><div>

<p>(Name) took a moment to stare at him, taking a deep breath before sighing. "Come here baby, I'll get you some medicine."</p></div><div>

<p>Gon sat on her bed as she fished through her cabinet for some medicine, but he came rushing into her bathroom to throw up into the toilet again before she could find it.</p></div><div>

<p>"Oh, Gon..."</p></div><div>

<p>She patted his back as he hurled, cooing softly. "That's it sweetheart, get it all up. I'm here."</p></div><div>

<p>When he was done, she gently wiped his face before guiding him back to her bed. "Lay down... shit, you're burning up!"</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) rubbed his back before standing back up. 'Shit... I hope this is just some food poisoning and not anything contagious.'</p></div><div>

<p>It didn't take long for Killua and Kurapika to arrive as well, both looking tired and confused.</p></div><div>

<p>"What's wrong with Gon? He ran out of our room a minute ago..." Killua asked, concern evident in his tired eyes.</p></div><div>

<p>"Yeah, I heard him throwing up in the downstairs bathroom." Kurapika said, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) sighed softly, comforting Gon as he held his stomach. "I'm not sure, I would call Leorio to come check on him, but after he helped me drop off my van yesterday, he had to leave for a medical conference hosted by his college. He'll be busy for the next few days."</p></div><div>

<p>Killua sat down next to (Name) patting Gon's back tenderly. "You're gonna be okay, I'm here."</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika yawned. "I'm going back to bed, come get me if something else happens."</p></div><div>

<p>The blonde left, walking downstairs. "Killua, you should get to bed too. I'll take care of Gon, you get some rest."</p></div><div>

<p>Killua looked like he didn't want to leave, gently brushing some of Gon's hair back. "I'll be okay, Killua. (Name) will take care of me..."</p></div><div>

<p>Killua swallowed, glancing at (Name) before getting up and leaving. "Goodnight..."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) took care of Gon through the night, barely getting any sleep. Near dawn, Gon settled down enough for her to pass out next to him, only to be awakened two hours later by the sound of someone throwing up.</p></div><div>

<p>"Gon, baby, do you need me to come hold your hair-"</p></div><div>

<p>But Gon was still lying next to her in bed, face flushed with fever.</p></div><div>


<p>She jumped up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she sprinted down the stairs. In the hallway, Killua said in a crumpled heap, vomit covering the floor. "Oh, Killua..."</p></div><div>

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