Phase 3

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<p>(Name) sighed, trying to relax her tired body by stretching. </p><div>

<p>"I want you guys to know that you worked very hard. 43 of you have passed the second phase of the exam. For your information, we're scheduled to arrive at our destination 8 o'clock tomorrow morning."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) yawned, Kurapika glancing at her from the corner of her eye.</p></div><div>

<p>"Alright then, until our next meeting you guys have some free time. Dismissed."</p></div><div>

<p>(Name) sighed in relief, setting her bag. </p></div><div>

<p>"Hey Kurapika, you gonna explore the airship with us?"</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika shook his head. "No, I don't think so."</p></div><div>

<p>"Oh... how about you Leorio?"</p></div><div>

<p>"No thanks, I'll have to pass. I'm so tired I can hardly move."</p></div><div>

<p>"(Name)- oh."</p></div><div>

<p>She was yawning, leaning her head against the wall. "Sorry boys, I need to rest a little, or I'll crumble into dust."The boys rushed off to explore.</p></div><div>

<p>Tonpa came by to 'warn' them, but (Name) was too tired to even listen. Kurapika jumped slightly when he felt her head rest against his shoulder before it leaned back. "(Name)?"</p></div><div>

<p>She was swaying softly, barely awake. "Hmm?"</p></div><div>

<p>He held back a chuckle. "You can lean against my shoulder, if you want."</p></div><div>

<p>She blinked sleepily. "Really?"</p></div><div>

<p>He nodded, the girl giving him a pretty smile before scooting towards him, snuggling into his side. "Thank you."</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika's face turned red. He had expected her to just lie her head against his shoulder, not for her to cuddle against him and sigh softly. </p></div><div>

<p>Leorio huffed. "Lucky."</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika sent him a glare before stiffly folding his arms. "Here!"</p></div><div>

<p>Kurapika watched as she used her cardigan to cover them both, looking up at him. "We can share my cardigan to stay warm!"</p></div><div>

<p>He wasn't sure why, but sitting there, cuddled up to (Name) as she slept made his heart race. He could feel her body heat, smell her perfume. Although he had planned on resting, it was hard when he could hardly focus on anything but the girl leaning against him.</p></div><div>

<p>They stayed like this for around an hour, Kurapika eventually becoming comfortable to lean his head against hers.</p></div><div>

<p>Tonpa snored, preventing Leorio and Kurapika from getting any sleep. 'At least one of us can get some rest.' Kurapika thought, looking fondly at the sleeping girl next to him. He would be lying if he said he didn't feel content right now, almost peaceful. </p></div><div>

<p>It had been a while since he'd had another person so close to him, sharing in their body heat. It felt... nice.</p></div><div>

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