Chapter 6

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There was a huge storm coming in tonight. I didn't want to stay out in it and I didn't want to go home without Raven. I was torn between my decisions to make and it was making me emotional. Raven has been there for me with every storm since that dreadful night.

The terrified look in Amelia's eyes when the storm was mentioned helped me make my decision. I put her before myself and I didn't want to see the scared look in her eyes. I meet eyes with Raven and knew she knew I was going home. Worry filled her eyes and looks to Lexi. Lexi gives an understanding nod and I watch Raven relax against her hospital bed.

I walk over, caressing her cheek before leaning down to give her a kiss. As I turned to leave with her parents and Amelia, I felt her grab my hand. I look back at her, standing next to her bed. She kisses her fingers and places her hand on my stomach. Tears fill my eyes at the gesture and she takes my hand to kiss my engagement ring.

Lexi places her hand on my shoulder and I look at her as the tears fell rapidly down my cheeks. "It's just for the night," she says in sympathy, knowing that Raven has always been there during a thunderstorm.

I briskly walk passed her, Raven's parents and down the hall to the main lobby of the hospital. I felt someone hug at my side and look down at Amelia. Tears of her own fell rapidly and hid her face in my stomach.

The rain was starting to fall and the clouds grew darker. I knew there wasn't much time before the storm hit and turn my head to the waiting adults. Without a word, I took Amelia's hand and walk out to the car. We climb in the back, I get her buckled in her booster seat and she kept a tight hold on my arm with her head on my shoulder.

The thunder hasn't started and she was trembling. She's always been like this with the rain and it's worse with the thunder. The night she was born traumatized her and I was the only one able to calm her like Raven was the only one able to calm me.

I did some research after she was born. Apparently while still in the womb the fetus can still hear what goes on outside the mother. She could hear the thunder that night, the gunshots, our mother's screams. Screams that very much sound like my own. It's believed that a fetus can recognize voices when their born. Being I sound like my mother, my voice, my touch soothes her. A newborn is immediately familiar with the mother because of the fetal bond inside the womb. It's why even though I'm terrified of the storm myself, Amelia finds comfort with only me.

A slight shake to my shoulder shook me from my thoughts, following a low rumble of thunder. The eyes staring into mine were relieved when I kept calm. I wasn't calm, I felt numb, lost. I was lost without Raven and that seemed to overpower my fear of the storm.

I realize we're home, but don't remember the drive back from the hospital. I look down to see Amelia sound asleep with a death grip on my arm as if she were afraid to let me go. I carefully undo her seatbelt and lift her from her booster seat.

Lexi was about to take her, but I shook my head. Amelia would only freak out with the growing thunder and I'm fighting against my own fear of the storm. I knew she could see it in my eyes and quickly guided me to the soundproof basement. Tears fill my eyes as Raven's scent floods my nose.

She's alive. She's going to be fine. She has police protection. She'll be home soon.

I kept thinking those four sentences over and over again as I lay in bed, cuddled with Amelia. Her scent and lack of presence had tears soaking in my pillow. I close my eyes and try to imagine her in bed next to me. With calming breaths and my eyes closed I could feel someone lay behind me.

I look back to see Lexi and she wipes my eyes. "I know I'm not her, but I thought I could try so you could sleep," she says in a soothing whisper, concern in her eyes. "Your face was showing a mix of emotions while your eyes scream how exhausted you are."

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