Chapter 01 - Hospital

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It was a peaceful spring morning. The sky was clear, the birds chirped harmoniously, and a gentle breeze blew tranquilly through the air.

The breeze wafted through the trees, caressing a backyard garden and flowed through the open window of a young girl who laid in a deep slumber.

As the refreshing touch of spring kissed her face through the breeze, the girl leisurely woke up. Yet, as she did so, something was different.

- "What is this..?"

she muttered to herself. Her eyes were shrouded in bandages. Head to toe, arm to leg, neck to shoulder, all covered in the same bandages. The only parts of the young girl's body that weren't wrapped were her hands and parts of her face. She was baffled.

- "How did I get here..? What happened..?"

The girl asked in desperation, unable to comprehend the situation before her. She embraced herself and tried to piece together the puzzle of how she got into this position, but was met with a splitting headache.

- "Ugh.."

The girl grasped her head with both of her hands, trying to limit the intense pain that rushed onto her. Just as the pain began to fade, unbeknownst to her, a man had entered the room.

- "I'm glad to see you're finally awake, Haniel"

Said the man, wearing a medical apron. The girl faced the voice anxiously, still unable to see.

- "You don't look good at all, did something happen?"

He said with a hint of concern in his voice. The young girl faced the man.

- "Who is Haniel?"

The man took a step back, shocked at the response he had gotten. He squinted his eyes and scratched his chin, pondering something in his mind.

- "Memory loss..?"

He whispered to himself. While he speculated on the subject, there was clear uncertainty in his voice. He refaced the young girl, who continued to stare into space in her confusion.

- "Allow me to introduce myself in that case, I'm your personal doctor. You can call me Israfel"

- "Your name is Haniel. Just a few weeks ago, you were admitted to the hospital after an accident. Do you remember?"

Said the man. The young girl shivered. Bandages, memory loss, an accident? It was overwhelming. She couldn't process what Israfel had told her, and he stared at her with a silent glare, allowing her to process the situation.

- "I'm sorry, I-... I don't remember.."

Said Haniel dejectedly. Israfel smiled at the young girl, patting her on the head to comfort her. He pulled up a chair and took a seat in front of her, positioning his voice at a more direct length for the sightless Haniel.

- "Don't worry, I'm here to help with your recovery. We'll do everything we can, so you can trust that you're in good hands."

While it didn't solve the predicament Haniel had found herself in, Israfel's words surely gave light in what was the unknown, and it calmed the young girl down.

With the warm words said, the doctor began a routine check-up on the girl. Most of the checks were both physical and neurological, assessing her motor and sensory skills.

- "Physically, you're recovering at an astonishing rate"

- "Typically, it would take three months to see results like yours, but in your case it's only been three weeks."

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