Mysterious stalker in the library

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- We have arrived, Haniel.

In front of the rest area, Haniel perceived the surrounding atmosphere. The breeze coming through the window carried a faint sweet scent, possibly from a nearby garden filled with flowers. It was a cozy place, at least that's what she felt.

Noticing that the little girl was a bit distracted, Anael approached carefully.

- Even though it wasn't a long walk, you feel a bit tired, don't you?

Haniel considered it for a brief moment and then shook her head. She tried not to show it, but the truth was that she was starting to feel a bit fatigued. Considering her physical condition, this would likely be the last stop before returning to her room.

- Let me help you a bit, okay?

Assisting the little girl, Anael guided her slowly through the room. It was equipped with things to pass the time and decorations to make the stay pleasant. There were bookshelves, reading tables, chess tables, sofas, carpets, flowers, paintings, a fireplace, large windows, and an exit leading to the backyard.

- Now, turn and gently let your body fall.

- Don't worry, I'll be holding you all the time.

Haniel followed her nurse's instructions, and everything seemed to be going smoothly. However, the moment she dropped her back onto the bean bag, a residual image invaded her mind. The eloquent smile of a woman with long black hair caused an uncontrollable sense of fear in her.

*Gripping tightly*

- ¿..Ha-Haniel?

Anael couldn't help but be surprised and concerned by the little one's reaction, who had clung tightly to her body.

- Everything is fine; I'm here with you.

Anael gently embraced the little girl while giving her light pats on the back to calm her. The nurse had a guess about what had happened; that movement was somehow related to Haniel's traumatic experience, she thought as she continued to hold her.

After separating a bit carefully, Anael gently stroked Haniel's head, showing genuine concern on her face.

- Haniel, we can forget about the bean bag and sit on the sofa or a chair.

- But if you prefer, I can take you to your room to rest.

- .. I-I'm fine, just got a bit scared..

Haniel responded almost immediately to reassure her nurse. It was clear that there was something more behind her fear, but perhaps it wasn't the right time to talk about it.

- Do you want to try again? This time, it'll be like you're trying to sit on something very soft.

After Haniel nodded, Anael carefully seated her on the bean bag. The girl's expression was charmingly amusing as she felt the softness of the bean bag.

Anael, who was on her knees in front of the little one, smiled as she watched her.

- Haniel, while you rest, would you like me to tell you a fairy tale?

Although she didn't fully understand what a "fairy tale" was, Haniel nodded curiously. With that warm response from the little one, Anael stood up and walked toward one of the nearby bookshelves.

Scratching her chin slightly, Anael carefully examined all the available fairy tales. She needed a simple story without too many details in the narration.

After a few seconds of searching, she seemed to have found a suitable book and laid her hands on it. However, before she could take it out of the shelf, a trembling voice interrupted her.

- ..N-Nurse Anael, I'm sinking..

- "Sinking..? What are you talking about–

Anael was about to let out a little laugh at the girl's words, but when she turned her gaze back to Haniel...


- Ha-Haniel!

Since the little one didn't know how to sit on it, she began to sink slowly as if the bean bag was devouring her. Fortunately, Anael acted in the blink of an eye to rescue her.

After this heroic intervention by the absent-minded nurse, both fell silent, feeling each other's warm presence in the air. Until suddenly, both let out a tender giggle at what had happened.

It seemed that nothing would interrupt this warm moment between them. However, both Haniel and Anael were unaware of the presence of a person watching them from the entrance of the room.

It was the silhouette of a girl with long hair that exuded a gloomy atmosphere around her. Her cold eyes were fixed on the bandaged little one, but it wasn't a look of curiosity or sympathy. There was a certain hostility in it, as if a deep and dark threat was hidden behind her gaze...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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