Juicy x Fem y/n pt.2(Smut)

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Warning smut/fluff


Juicy's POV

After the recording is done I say bye to the boys and get off the call. I stand up leaving my phone on my desk and I walk down the stairs to my kitchen. I open my fridge and grab an energy drink and chug it down. As I'm walking to my room I reach for my phone and realize I left it on my desk. While walking up the stairs I hear it vibrate on my desk and start walking a little faster hoping y/n texted me. I pick up my phone and see that it was y/n who texted me.



Y/n: Hey you done recording.

J: yea

Y/n: cool, and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?

J: yea sure what time and where?

Y/n: I was thinking about having a picnic at the park near my house and at 2.

J: Yeah, that sounds fun. Do I need to bring anything?

Y/n: No, I got it covered and I'm also bringing energy drinks ;).

J: Lol you know me so well.

Y/n: Lol.

J: Well, I'll text you later. I gotta take a shower.

Y/n: Ok, but too bad I can't join you.

J: Yeah, how sad.


After texting juicy I started to get ready for the picnic. [1 hour and 30 min] I look at the time and it's already 1:30. "Shit I gotta go" I say as I'm putting the things in my car.

When I got to the park I saw the perfect spot for the picnic. It was a spot under a beautiful tree right next to the lake at the park. As I start to unpack everything my phone goes off and I see that juicy texted me.


J: Hey, I'm here, where are you?

Y/n: Just meet me by the entrance and I'll show you.


I walk towards the entrance and see juicy. He's wearing one of the boys blackout t-shirts and a pair of baggy jeans. He's so hot I think to myself wait what no he probably doesn't feel the same. I walk up to him and give him a blind fold.

3rd person POV

"Here" Y/n said while handing juicy a blind fold.

"Uhh, why do I have to wear a blindfold?" juicy ask as he takes the blindfold and puts it on.

"You'll understand when we get there" y/n says while taking juicy's hand and guiding him to the spot

Juicy's POV

She takes my hand and starts to walk forward. I start to get lost in my thoughts as to why she made me put on a blindfold, but then I hear her say my name to get my attention.

"Juicy!" Y/n says loud enough to get my attention

"Sorry, I got distracted" I say as an excuse "Are we there?" I ask.

"Yea, here let me take off your blindfold" She says.


I try to reach up to take off his blindfold but he is too tall. "Can you bed down a little" I ask sheepishly. "Yea no problem." Juicy says as he laughs under his breath. He leans down and I carefully take off the blindfold and then I see his beautiful forest green eyes. I didn't even realize I was staring until juicy said something.

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