I'm sorry! (Angst/Fluff) Pt.1

327 1 2

non binary y/n 

Warning: sh, knife, blood

Anyways enjoy


Juicy x non binary y/n (Angst)

Juicy POV

Eddie and y/n came over 2 hours ago so we could record and also to hangout. We were sitting on the couch when I felt a pain in my arm. I looked down to see blood slowly coming through the gray sleeve. Shit i thought to myself, how am I gonna make it to the bathroom without them seeing?

"I'll be right back," I said , putting my arm behind my back.

"Ok" y/n said smiling.

"I'll fill you in when you get back," Eddie joked.

I smiled walking to the bathroom next to the kitchen. I locked the door behind me and slowly started to take off my hoodie, making sure not to get anymore blood on the hoodie.

The more I look at the cuts, the more I wanna do it. I'm so stupid I thought to myself slowly falling to the ground crying in my hands.


Juicy has been in the bathroom for a while and he was acting weird as well.

"Hey, i'm starting to worry about juicy" I mentioned to eddie

"Yea me too. You should go check on him" Eddie suggested.

"Ok. I'll be back " I said standing up

As I was walking towards the bathroom I started to hear ... cry? I walk up to the door and knock just loud enough for him to hear.

Juicys POV

I hear a knock and quickly get up.

"Are you ok?" I hear y/n ask.

"Ye-a" My voice cracks as I try to sound normal.

"Can I come in?" (y/n thoughts; i didn't want it to sound weird )

"Uhh- no i'll be out in a sec though" I said while trying to find bandages and stuff

"Ok..." Y/n says as she walks away.

3rd person POV

Y/n sits on the couch across from eddie.

"You ok dawg?" Eddie ask

"Yea, but juice didn't sound like himself." Y/n paused "He sounded like he was crying" I continued.

"Crying?" Eddie asked with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, he said he'd be out in a minute." Y/n added with a faint smile on her face


I grab a blade from a hidden cabinet and start cutting. I cover my mouth to hide the sobs. I put the blade in the sink and turned on the water. I grab the sleeve and try to wash out the blood.

As I'm walking out of the bathroom, I see y/n and Eddie sitting on the couch talking about the movie. My eyes wonder to what y/n is wearing, there wearing an oversized hoodie with semi baggy gray pants.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer."Y/n jokes as my mind snaps back.

Eddie laughed as y/n commented and I looked down to hide the fact that I was embarrassed. I sat down next y/n and they put their arms around me and scoot closer to them.

"Well lovebirds, i gotta go gabby's making tacos tonight." Eddie says as he gets up

"Ok, we'll see you later then." I smile as Eddie walks out the door.

[time skip to after their show is finished]


When the show was over I looked down at Juice and noticed he was sleeping. I picked up a juicy bridal style and carried him to his room.

When we were in his room I noticed a stain on his hoodie, I thought it was just a stain from him doing something stupid. I took off his hoodie so he wouldn't get hot, then I saw bandages around his arm. Tears started to collect in my eyes, but I didn't want to wake him up so I held my breath to stop me from crying. I put on another hoodie and walked back down to the living room and decided that I should probably go home.

[time skip morning]

Juicy POV

I woke up in my bed confused about how I got here. I swing my legs out from the blanket and onto the floor and walk to my bathroom grabbing my phone from the dress and looking at the time.I set my phone down on the counter. I look in the mirror and I realize that I'm not wearing the same hoodie as yesterday.

I panic thinking that y/n must have changed me and saw the banaged hiding the scars. My breathing started to pick up and I looked in the mirror only to realize I was crying. I thought about ways my therapist told me to calm myself, one which was to take a shower.

I take off my clothes and the bandages and hop into the shower, I turn on the water and close my eyes, letting the water hit my back.

As I'm getting out of the shower I hear my phone go off. I pick it up and see that my group chat goes off.

{The boys}

M: you guys down to record today?

N: Sure.

E: yeah dawg!

Josh: Yea.

J: Not today boys, sorry.

M: ok np juice.

{narrator :)}

N: Hey are you ok?

J: Yeah, I'm ok.

N: Ok, if you need to talk i'm here

J: Thank you.


It was 2:00 in the afternoon and I couldn't stop thinking about the bandages on juicy's arm. I wanted to text him but I feel like it would be rude to text him about that stuff. So I decided to drive to his house.

Hey guys i was gonna make this without a second part, but i got busy with school and family so here is this and the second part will be up soon <3.

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