Party Planning

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"OKAY! You are probably all wondering  why me and Chat Noir have called u here at this random time." Ladybug said excitedly to her team of superheroes. They were on the Eifel Tower at 12:34pm.

"Well-" Chat Noir started 

"It's because, we have planned the BIGGEST-" Ladybug continued

"Purrtay!" Chat winked at Ladybug

"In celebration of 1 year of Monarch's defeat!" Ladybug smiled happily.

The superheroes cheered

"It will take place right here at 6pm SHARP. Don't be late!" Chat said

"Well we gtg. BUG OUT!"

The superheroes conversed and each departed. They were all excited for the party. Ladybug and Chat Noir went to the Dupain-Cheng's bakery to gather supplies. 

"M'lady, aren't u so excited!"

"Of course I am! We need to make everything perfect though." She asked her mum for the cakes and pastries. "Thank you Mrs Dupain-Cheng."

"Don't worry abt it dear! Enjoy!" Sabine's smile could light up the whole of Paris.

Sos this chapter was short, but tbh the story is kinda short. There will be more parts dw!


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