~Little Kitty On A Roof, All Alone Without His, Lady~

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Ladybug placed her hand on her yoyo and her face became pale with fear.

"Is that an Ice Cream man or smth?" Carapace asked cluelessly.

"Wait, what is that!" Ryuko said pointing to a figure behind Ladybug

The figure was hidden in the shadows of the Tower. It was tall and had cat ears and a tail. It looked like Chat Noir.

Ladybug slowly turned around to look "Ch-Chat Noir.. Please tell me that that is you.." Her voice shook and she trembled

"..I'm right next to you.."

The superheroes all were confused and grabbed their weapons.

"NO DON'T ATTACK!" Ladybug screamed in fear

"I hope you didn't tell them about us.." The voice said. A creature came out the shadows. 

"What is that?" Chat Noir said.

Ladybug was shaking and fell on her knees. She cried. "No- NO! You can't be here!"

"What, u mean the bad quality printer version of Chat Noir?" Carapace laughed.

"Very funny," Chat Blanc said as he slowly approached them

Ladybug backed away and screamed.

"M'lady! What is happening!" Chat Noir asked.

She was hyperventilating and didn't dare look anyone in the eye.

Vesperia saw that Ladybug was distressed "VENOM!"

But before she touched him, a white ball of energy turned her to ashes.

"Ah how lovely. Who's next!" His blue eyes stared crazily at the heroes. "OOOOOOH How about these ones!" He released his white cataclysm, killing Viperion, Minotauros, Miss Hound, Caprikid, King Monkey, Purple Tigress, Pegasus and Ryuko, "Wow! They've never looked better than  that of ASH!"

Ladybug looked at the remaining heroes: Rena Rouge, Carapace, Pigella, Polymouse, Chat Noir and her. "Umm- U should- NO WAIT- Pigella- No- ummmmm.." Ladybug was stressed, more than ever before.

"I'll use my gift!" Pigella suggested "Gi-" She never got to finish her sentence as she was destroyed into ash.

"NO!" They yelled

"Multitu-" And Polymouse has been killed as well.

"Don't use your powers!" Chat Noir advised. "M'lady, Look at me! Who is that?"


Chat Blanc ReturnsWhere stories live. Discover now