chapter 1

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"Ok but just imagine it." 

oh my god, how am I friends with her again?

"Ok I'm imagining it... You look disgusting."

"Excuse you! how dare you say that to me!"

"Indi, you're so dramatic."

"Thank you." I giggle. 

I still don't know how me and Indi became friends last year. We hated each other's guts. But you know what they all say, your perspective of people always changes. Which is how she ended up being my bestfriend. We have been through a lot together and without her I don't know where I would be. 

 Indi Gasps. "What?" 

"Code red." she whispers it even though they are hundred meters away. 

I roll my eyes. See I told you she was dramatic.

Code red means that the boy group is coming and by boy group I mean the hottest boys in grade nine. Heck probably in the whole school. Even though Indi and I are only in Grade Eight lets just say... we are a bit boy obsessed. 

The group contains four boys. Finn, Sam, Parker and Kruz. In the corner of my eye I see Indi's face light up when she sees Parker, who she has a crush on. Unlike her I'm not that obvious when I'm around my crush. 

"Look Indi, a butterfly." She starts trying to catch it. She's so goofy. Indi always says that whenever a butterfly is near is means that she is there. Which I hate to say it but it's kind of true since whenever she is there a butterfly is near. Even in winter when there is hardly any Butterflies. 

I take my eyes off Indi and look in the direction of where the boys are. I turn and look at Sam who I already see is looking at me. He quickly looks away and lowers his head but I still see the little smirk he made. I keep looking at him for a while until something next to him catches my attention.

Kruz. Who is staring at me already.

"Look away grudge boy." I hear Indi say next to me. That's her nickname for him since he unfollowed her on instagram when she was trying to reach her 200 follower mark. She holds a grudge with him that he doesn't know about.

Funny enough he looks away as if he heard her say that. It is right now lunch time at school and we are on the oval. There is a massive tree that we hang out at during lunch. the boys however, change spots each lunch. Sometimes they are close to us, other times they aren't. But their main spot is right across from us, not to close but not to far away that we can't see their faces. They start walking to their main spot while me and Indi are still gawking at them. 

Indi sighs and turns her back to them, starting to walk under the tree. I am about to turn when I see Sam look back at me. He turns away and starts swinging his arms back and forth, I little habit I see him do often. 

I finally look away and walk towards Indi. She starts talking about something random like she always does. I try to listen but my mind is on one thing and one thing only.


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