chapter 6

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The next day Indi and I walked into our Pc room and seat down at our usual desks. Our Pc teacher, Mrs Young, who is literally the kindest person in the world, starts the day off with notices. 

"Alright, no one's on reflection room from our class which is a good sign." She reads out the rest of the notices until she gets to a part that she laughs at. 

"In period one and two you guys are dancing with the grade nines." Our whole class explodes into chatter. 

"What the fuck." Indi whispers into my ear. I just shrug as an answer.

"Alright guys pipe down, let me read the rest." Mrs Young shouts over us. We all go silent so we can hear the rest. "Grade eight boys you are going to the auditorium to dance with the grade nine girls and grade eight girls are going to Mo Chuisle to dance with the grade nine boys." This is when we really explode. 

"Miss!" Indi shouts over the class. "Why are we dancing with them?"

"They want your grades to get closer so that we have a closer community at the school. Next week I think all the girls are doing an activity together. Same goes for the boys." And at that, the bell goes for period one. "Looks like you guys have to go dance. Have fun."

We exit the classroom and start walking to Mo Chuisle. "I'm scared. Why am I scared? Are you scared?" Indi asks me in a rushed voice. 

"I'm a little scared but we will be fine." I reply. To be honest I'm actually terrified but I didn't want her to freak out anymore than she already is.

When we arrive at Mo Chuisle the boys haven't arrived yet. The teachers instruct us to form a massive circle along the outer edges of the basketball court and take a seat. 

A minute later the year 9 boys arrived, standing in the middle of the circle.

"Boys, I want you to go find a partner that you will be dancing with for the next two periods. Unlike other times today you will stay with the one partner. We are not rotating." Mrs Smith says into the microphone. 

The boys start moving around, trying to find a partner. I see the boy group come towards us. Finn goes to dance with Bella and Parker moves to Indi. Kruz and Sam are both racing towards me but Kruz manages to get there before Sam. Great now I'm stuck with grudge boy.  Kruz smirks and sticks the rude finger up at Sam but he just laughs, not taking him seriously. Sam gives me one last glance then moves to find a partner. Even after he has left I can still feel the heat of his gaze burning into my body. 

"So, now that everyone has found a partner we are going to begin." Mrs Smith has a big smile on her face. She's enjoying herself.  "We are going to do different types of dances but we are going to start off with a waltz. We will demonstrate and then you will begin." 

Once she showed us the moves Mrs Smith told us to stand up and practice by ourselves. Kruz stands up enthusiastically with a big grin on his face. 

I However, just glare up at him still in my position on the floor. He sightly frowns then walks towards me laying out a hand for me to grab. I also frown staring at his open hand.

I get lost in my train of thought but Kruz's voice brings me back to reality. "Are you just gonna stare at my hand or day or accept the open hand so we can start practicing." I just glare at him in response but I eventually take his hand and he helps me up. "You can't ignore me forever." I hear Kruz say. 

"I'm not ignoring you. You're just annoying." I reply with a smug look on my face. 

"I take serious offence to that. Anyways, let's start practicing otherwise Mrs Smith will make us dance in the middle of the circle in front of everyone." I cringe at hearing that.

He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers while his other hand rests on my waist. While trying not to think about how his hands on my body make me feel, I put my free hand on his shoulder. 

We start moving, following the steps the teachers showed us before. I advert my eyes away from Kruz's face to avoid any eye contact between us. I look around the room and see everyone else dancing together, laughing with their partners and having nice conversations. But all I'm doing is ignoring my partner so I don't feel any sparks between us. However, I don't think he is doing the same since I can hear him counting the steps. 

Kruz's voice pulls me out of whatever trans I was in. "You know to actually connect with the music and dance with your partner with passion, you have to actually look at them and not avoid eye contact." He starts smirking and gives me one of those deep stares he always does. I can feel my cheeks heating up and butterflies swarming in my stomach. 

I look around the room and I see Bella and Finn joking around while dancing and Indi and Parker  having what looks like a deep conversation. I start smiling. I keep looking around the room, trying to find a certain someone but he is nowhere to be found.

"I saw him leave earlier. It looks like he was going to the office." I hear Kruz say. I raise my eyebrows at him. "And who are you talking about?" I ask.

He barks out a huge laugh making a few heads turn towards us. Once he calms down he says, "Sammy. It's obvious that you like him and- what don't give me that look I'm not going to tell anyone." 

"Mhm sure you aren't and is it that obvious?" 

"Oh come on Maya. Your eyes are always on him for whatever reason. Like truly, I don't see it. Even when I'm standing next to him you keep looking at him. Like how can you resist this face." He squeaks. I start bursting out laughing.

"What?" I hear him say. 

"You do the same thing Indi does when you are arguing with someone. Your voice gets higher and higher with each word that comes out of your mouth." He raises his eyebrows at me. "You know as much as she dislikes you, you guys are very similar." I say.

"Wait what! She dislikes me! How dare she... I guess I have to tell Parker that she is actually a bitch."

" Don't you dare say that. She would hunt you down and kill you." I reply.

"True." He looks in the direction of Indi and Parker. I look as well and can see them laughing and smiling bright. "They look really good together." Kruz says. I start smiling. "Anyways, back to the Sam situation." I roll my eyes at him and he starts laughing.

"I can help you." Kruz says.

"Help me with what?" 

"To get Sam to like you and all that stuff." 

"And you would actually do that?" I ask skeptically.

"Sure I would. I could be like a messenger, find out what he says about you and see how he reacts when I put your name in a conversation. He could ask about you and I could answer on your behalf. You know stuff like that." he does a smirk to me.

"Thanks Kruz. I really appreciate that." I smile at him and he smiles back. The little butterflies come back. 

"So... what's your favourite colour?" I hear him say. I give him a Mum look and he chuckles. "Fine we don't have to start now but how about tomorrow?"

"Start what exactly?" I ask.

"Planning." he smiles.

"Ok fine." The bell starts ringing for first break. Jeez that lesson went quick. 

"Talk to you tomorrow ok?" I nod as a reply. I see Indi walking towards me in the corner of my eye. Kruz salutes me and walks off.

"What was that about?" Indi asks. 

"Boy do I have a story for you." Indi raises her eyebrows at me. "Come on let's go eat I am starving." 

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