Chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning feeling motivated and ready for today. I got dressed, did my hair, my skincare, brushed my teeth, put a bit of makeup on and was ready to go. In fact I was so motivated that I accidentally got ready to quickly, which is very unlike me. So, I did a bit of maths revision since I have an exam first up today. Once my Mum was ready to go I got in the car with a big smile on my face.

"What's up Maya?" My Mum asks from the driver seat.


"Is it a boy?" My mum asks with a smirk on her face.


"What? It's very obvious that you are thinking about a boy. I mean who else could you be thinking about?" My Mum raises her eyebrows at me.

"You never know, I could be thinking about how excited I am to see Indi today." I reply with a grin on my face.

My Mum just rolls her eyes at me."Whatever you say."

For the rest of the car ride we sit in silence apart from the quiet humming coming from my Mum since we are listening to her favourite Weeknd song. 


I look at my phone and see that it is a text from Bella.

Bella:  Finn still wouldn't tell me what it means that you have potential. 

Maya: Ugghhh. That's so annoying.

Bella: He did give me a clue though on what it meant.

Maya: What was the clue?

Bella:  Well, it wasn't really a clue but more like something for you to do. Which is look at him more.

Maya: That still makes no sense on how that is relevant to what he said about me.

Bella: Ikr it's so annoying on how little information we are getting. Anyway, see you at school.

I arrived at school twenty minutes later with less of a smile on my face and more of a grumpy look on. 

I start walking to where my classroom is when I hear someone walking behind me. I turn around and see the one person I would least expect. Kruz.

He looks up from his phone and gives me one of his fleeting stares that makes me get butterflies, even though I don't want them. He gives me a little smirk then starts whistling, which he does very often I've noticed.

The walk to my classroom feels like an eternity but I finally make it, away from Kruz or as Indi would like to call him, grudge boy. 

"Little May May!" Speaking of the devil.

Little May May is the nickname she gave me when we first became friends last year. She only really ever calls me that when she is really happy so something good must have happened to her. 

I give her a little smile, my way of saying hi. I put my bag on the bag racks and grab out my phone. When I stand back up I look at Indi and see a big smirk on her face. Told you she was happy today. I don't say anything about her persona yet, not wanting to spoil her news for her.

"Guess what happened."

"What?" I reply accidentally sounding down.

She looks at me with concern in her eyes but goes back to speaking about her news. She gives me a look telling me to guess what her news is. 

"Hmmm let me guess, something to do with Parker?"

"Bingo!" She replies, sounding like a five year old.

"What happened with Parker?"

She grins. "So I was walking to the classroom from the gate at the back of the school and he was coming from the other direction towards his classroom. He was kicking his football around and he accidentally kicked me in the head really hard." She dramatically puts her hand on the spot where he hit it. "Then guess what he did?"

"There's more?" My eyes are wide open.

"Oh hun, this is just the beginning." Indi jumps off the back racks from where she was sitting and comes and stand directly in front of me.

She starts dramatically acting out the next part. "He then comes rushing over to me and asking if I was ok." Indi places her arms on both of my shoulders. "Then he places both of his arms on either side of my shoulders and starts checking my head for injuries. he keeps asking if I'm ok and I keep saying I'm fine right? He then asks me if I need an icepack for my head and I say I'm fine." She then says the next part like she is in the next Romeo and Juliet play. "We then lock eyes and stare deeply into one another. But after a couple seconds we both look away. He then picks up his stuff says sorry to me one last time and walks away." A couple girls who we are friends with and knows about Indi's crush start clapping. She has a massive smile on her face.

Before I can say anything I see Parker come around the corner holding an icepack in his hand. Indi turns around and notices him, she puts on a calm face but not before I notice the hint of nervousness and spark she feels whenever she sees him.

"This is for you." Parker says, giving the icepack to Indi.

"Oh, thanks. You didn't have to." She replies. She sounds very normal which I will applaud her later for. I notice everyone else is watching this dramatic scene play out intensely like I was. 

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to." It's then right and then that I see the sparks fly between the two. 

They look at each other intensely for a few more seconds, before Parker then looks away from her and starts walking away but not before looking back at her once more.

"I think I've just fallen all over again." She sighs dramatically. 

"Indi what was that?" Bella who I've just realised must have seen that whole thing play out, has a huge smile on her face. Indi looks away with a big smile on her face. I am to in shock to say anything since what just happened is romance book level. 

I hear the bell start ringing and one of the teachers comes around the corner and tells us all to go to gather. 

Me and Indi are going to have a massive talk at lunch about everything that has played out this morning. 

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