Chapter 2

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"Alright everyone, your history assignment is due next week." Says Ms Pisani. She is one of my favourite teachers and probably one of the only teachers who understands me.

"Miss, why can't it be due not next week but the week after?"

"Nick I don't have time for your whining." 

"I'm not whining. I'm simply just expressing my opinion." Just shut the fuck up Nick.

"Just shut up Nick." Bella says while rolling her eyes. Thank you Bella.

We get started on our assignment. Having no clue on what to do I just start typing random stuff into my laptop.

"So Bella," I hear Indi say, "How was your date with Finn?" Bella is dating Finn, who is one of the  guys from the boy group. They have actually been dating for a while now and are still going strong, even though they are in different grades.

"It was good. But guess who was at the same beach as us."

"Molly?" I say.

"Yep. She was eyeing Finn the whole time of course. I swear, it's like she is stalking Finn." Molly has a huge crush on Finn and always flirts with him but it never works since he just ignores her. But Bella hates her guts, which I don't Blame her since she is a bitch to most people.

"Anyways, so Maya." Bella looks at me with her signature grin.

"yeah?" I reply, my voice sounding skeptical.

"Guess what Finn told me."

"I don't know."

"He said Sam was talking about you a lot yesterday at lunch and he didn't even realise he was doing it."

"No he wasn't." My hearts starts beating faster then it ever could.

"He was. He said that he thinks you have potential."

"What does that mean?" Indi replies. "What does she have potential for? Being his girlfriend or a friend... His wife?"

"What?" I reply giggling. 

"You never know. Maybe he wants to marry you in the future."

"I doubt it. But Indi is right what does he mean that I have potential?" Indi starts smiling after she heard me say she was right. I roll my eyes at her.

"I don't know, Finn wouldn't tell me anything else. He said that it would go against boy code."

"Girls, get back on to your work please. We don't have long till lunch." Miss Pisani says. 

I try and finish my work but all I kept thinking about is what he said. What does he mean that I have potential? 

"I'll try and found out what is means." Bella whispers into my ears as if she read my mind.

I give her a thankful look and try writing at least a paragraph to hand in.


It's finally the end of the day and Im so tired so as soon as I get home I collapse on my bed. I hear a notification go off on my phone. I grab it thinking it's Indi telling what Taylor Swift's surprise songs were at her concert. I look at my screen and see that it's not from Indi but from Sam.

He snapped me?

My eyes go wide and my heart starts going a thousand miles an hour. 

I quickly FaceTime Indi. She answers after the first ring.


"Sam snapped me!"

Her eyes go wide. "After two weeks on leaving you delivered!"

"Wow you just made me feel so much better about it." I say sarcastically.

"No that's a good thing. Who would snap someone back after two weeks of leaving you on delivered? Usually they just leave it so it's not weird that they snapped you back after a long period of time." 

I nod my head agreeing.

"Have you opened it yet?" I shake my head. "Then what are you doing! Open it you dingus!"

"Fine!" I open Snapchat and open up Sam's snap. I gasp when I see it.

"Oh my god."

"What?" Indi replies.

"It's a shirtless pic."

"Wait! What! Really?" I nod my head enthusiastically.

"Is that a good thing?" 

"What do you think." I say. God she can be slow sometimes.

"I will take that as a yes. Maya look at you go!"

I start giggling.

"You are soooo smitten for him. You know that right?" She says with a big smile on her face.

"You are the exact same as me when you see Parker. You know that right?"

She nods her head enthusiastically. "I know damn well that I'm Smitten for him. Who wouldn't be?" 

I start cracking up laughing. 

We keep talking for a bit but she had to go do homework.

After the call ended I lay on my back looking up at my bedroom roof. I start Thinking about what Sam said to his friends about me having potential. After a while I decide to snap Sam back. I take a cute photo and snap him back.

Hoping for the best, I turn off my phone and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep. 

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