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"Stay down you little brat." A knight growls angerly as he pins down a child that was no more than 8 years old. The child squirms and tries to escape the knights hold only for the knight to grip on him tighter. The child weakly cries at the stinging pain on his wrists.
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"Enough" M/n says with a strict tone. The knight holding the child quickly stood up while the child who tried to wiggle out of the knight's grasp. "y-your majesty" The knight stuttered and bowed quickly. M/n narrowed his eyes at the knight. "Bring the child over here." M/n said coldly and pointed to the dirty child that was pinned down. The knight quickly pulled up the child and dragged him to m/n.

The child hissed and tried biting the knight and failed miserably due to the armor that was protecting the knight's arms. M/n reached out to the child who flinched and grabbed the scruff of the child shirt and lifted the child to his height.

M/n noticed how dirty and how scared the child was. M/n noticed the child's dirty and matted hair was a pink color and the child's eyes were a hazel color.

The child coward in fear scared to defend or talk back at the scary male infront of him. M/n grunted and shifted the child so the child was held properly.
M/ns e/c eyes glanced at the maid who tensed when noticing the h/c males eyes looking at her. "Prepair a bath in my chambers." M/n said and started walking with the child who blinked and had a confused yet scared look.

"O-of course your majesty." The maid stuttered, bowed and scurried off and followed m/ns orders. M/n grunted as he moved through the garden and into the castle. He ordered a butler to prepare some porridge for the child when hearing a soft rumble come from the child's stomach. The child slightly squirmed feeling a little uncomfortable but warm at thr same time. M/n walked in his chambers slightly relaxing at the pine tree smell and walked to his bathroom.

The child looked around in awe when he was carried to the bathroom. M/n shooed the maids out and placed down the child and started taking off the child's clothes which the child started struggling and refusing. After allot of struggling and trying to stop the child he managed to get the dirty and ripped up clothes that were on the child and placed the child in the warm bubbled water.

M/n rolled up his sleeves and tied his shoulder length hair to a ponytail. After he did his thing he started to grab the white rag and pour some soap that smelt like fresh pine tree onto the rag and started to clean his body and making checking the slightly squirming child's body for any injuries. "What is your name child." M/n suddenly asked making yhr child look up then looked down. "I-i don't have a name." The child said his voice sounding frail and raspy.

M/n hummed and poured water on the child's body to get rid of the soap. "I shall give you one once we get you cleaned and fed." M/n said. M/ns biggest weakness was children since his childhood was terrible and he felt pity for the young children who are starving and on the streets. The child look up in awe at m/n before looking down once agian.

After a while M/n wrapped the child up in one of his towels and hoisted him up then walked out of the bathroom and say some children's clothes that were his when he was small neatly placed on his bed. He set the child down and rubbed the child making the child slightly groan and giggle. M/ns lip twitched almost smiling but stopped and got the child dressed into his old clothes.

"Come now, food will get cold." M/n said offering his hand to the child who shyly held M/ns hand and walked side by side with m/n. The child felt awkward because he got weird stares from maids, butlers, and even the knights. M/n paid no mind and continued walking with the child. The doors opened revealing a lavashing dinning hall with two plates at the end of the table. M/n and the child walked down their shoes gently clacking oh the shiny marble floor.

The child looked around in awe but there was a sudden loud grumble making m/n look down at the now embarrassed child. "Here, eat" M/n said setting the child down on the chair that wad next to him and handed him a spoon then sat down on his seat and started eating his meal, shocking the knights and butlers since they knew that the emperor barley ate and he was eating next to the wild child who was gobbling up his meal.

M/n glanced over and sighed, placing down his knife and fork he grabbed his napkin and reached over with the napkin and gently wiped the child's messy face who paused with eating his meal when he felt the napkin on his lower part of his face.

M/n moved his hand away and continued his meal while the child started to eat his meal slowly and side eyeing m/n who paid no mind to the child's stares.

It was pretty quiet in the halls, the only sound was the silverware clattering gently.

Now all m/n needs to do is pick a name for the child he now was going to adopted.

Lucas: He like stealing your things

Alexander: He feels comfortable when sleeping with you

'The child': Though you were scary because of the stories he hears about you from old folks but he actually sees that your a nice man

Empress: to busy to actually care for you since she's inviting hot men for her harem

[Comment a name for 'The child']

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