Chapter 46

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It's Rafael, he walks through the door and stands next to me, I give him the hugest glare I could give him, just like every time I face him, but now it's more tense.

"What are you doing here?" Marlene asks while she's trying to push the baby out "what kind of father would I be if I wasn't coming to her birthday?" He asks and I scoff "do you want me to actually answer that?" I say "nope, not while she's giving birth" he says and I roll my eyes.

It's been a while and that baby does not want to get out of her belly, she's so tired, she's crying and saying she can't give birth and that the baby will never come out, I'm literally crying because she's in pain, I can't anymore, it's 11:30pm and the doctors are saying they're either going to cut her open or she's going to push as hard as she can.

And because she's scared she's going to ruin her body with a huge scar, so stupid, she's going to push, we're all standing there, waiting to hear the baby crying and here it comes.

It's not simply crying, it's screaming like crazy, what a voice, we're going to have so much fun with the little opera performer.

They gave it to her and I'm crying, my mum is crying and obviously my sister is crying, we're hugging her and Alexandre is always by her side holding her, they take the baby to clean it up.

"She's so cute" Rafael says and we all side eye him "that's all you've got to say?" I ask him while I'm side eyeing him "what else should I say?" He asks while shrugging his shoulders and I roll my eyes "you're literally the worst man she could possibly have a child with" I say and he sighs.

"Will you ever shut up? You keep judging me, you have no idea what I've been through bro" he says and I sigh "look Rafael, I know you enough to be able to form my own opinion on you and my opinion is that you're the worst man and I bet the worst father too, so no I'm not going to shut up" I say and he sighs.

"Whatever" he says and I smile ironically at him, I fell asleep on the chair once I sat down onto it and woke up hours later because of the baby crying.

I get up and sit next to my sister that's breastfeeding the baby "you never told me what's her name going to be" I say and she chuckles "Antoinette Maria" she says and I chuckle "Marie Antoinette?" I ask sarcastically and she chuckles  "I hope she doesn't have as huge of a body count as her" she says chuckling and I chuckle.

"And we're going to call her Annette" she says and I smile "I like Annette, it's lovely" I say and she smiles "it fits her perfectly" I say and she nods.

I good night my sister and go back to my armchair to rest, a few minutes later I'm sound asleep.


I wake up the next day, I get dressed and drive to the closest Starbucks to get us all breakfast, I drive there while I'm on face time with Charles, he's driving to the track and I'm telling him about the whole experience of my sister giving birth.

"It was so funny, you can't imagine" I say while chuckling "did Rafael show up?" He asks me "yeah, because I threatened him to come, he had no idea she was giving birth" I say and he sighs "he's going to be such a bad father" he says.

"Yeah, I don't think he'll be there" I say "probably not" he says "how are you?" I ask him "I'm feeling confident for the race" he says and I smile "that's amazing Charles" I say enthusiastically.

I park my car and get out with the phone in hand still talking with Charles while I enter Starbucks "yep" he says "I'm very happy you're performing well, you might win the championship" I say "I don't think so" he says.

"Why not?" I ask him while I wait at the line "because we're not good enough" he says and I sigh "wait, fans" he says and I see him taking pictures and signing things for them, it's my turn to order and I'm ordering everything in sight, cookies, brownies, cupcakes, coffees, hot chocolates, everything.

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