1: The media

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Once upon a time someone entered a comment section and typed some words which caused me (the author) to smile. Often comments make me smile. I love seeing people enjoy something I make with so much joy.
This comment might have been special, because I started writing a part 4, which I hadn't originally planned.

So because @gay_idiot620 asked:
Healium Part 4

Have a great day/night,

(Note that Hiko is 14 now, not a seven year old anymore (they grow up so fast))

"Dad!" Hiko ran up to the pro hero Hawks and gave him a tight hug.

"Hey... feathers," Hawks said, trying to get up from where he lay on the ground, blood around him. He didn't want his daughter to see this.

"Stay still." Hiko ordered as she revealed her wings high up in the air. It took Hawks a moment to realise she was older now, and she wanted to heal his wounds so he had to stay still a bit.
In the light of the sun Hiko raised her white wings high up in the air and closed her eyes.
The geen glow surprised the crowd gathering around them.

As Hawks' wounds healed, pictures were taken.
Hawks came to his senses a little to late and quickly hid Hiko with a red wing.
The pro hero didn't want to hide that he had a daughter. He wanted the world to know how proud he was. But he didn't want people to see her quirk out in the open. Dealing with villains once was enough.

"I said don't move," Hiko mumbled before her quirk stopped and some glowing green flakes surrounded them.
Stepping away from him slighlty, Hiko gave Hawks a stern look, "You absolutely idiot headless chicken!"

"Wha—" Hawks' look of tired panic turned to confusion, "What did I do?"

"You got hurt," Hiko said. She helped Hawks up and Hawks noticed how big she had gotten. It had been seven years. Seven entire years since Hawks decided to take Hiko under his wing (pun intended).
Now her white wings were about as big as herself and Mirko had often lectured Hawks on her being a teenager now and not a child.

But enough proud father talk. Hawks quickly picked Hiko up (he's a pro hero, he be strong) and flew up to a rooftop, away from the media.

"Please think twice before using your quirk like that," Hawks told Hiko as he landed and put her down.

Hiko gave Hawks a glare. Her school uniform told Hawks she must be annoyed at school already.
"Please think twice before randomly picking me up!"

Holding up his hands, Hawks looked away, "I will, just chill."

Hiko let out a long sigh and wiped a hand across her face, "I'm sorry. Healing makes me tired."

With a smile, Hawks gave Hiko a tight hug, "I know feathers, let's go home now."

Fortunately that was over.

When Hiko got home, she put her bag in her room. She indeed was tired, but after some coffee she turned to her homework.
From her bag she grabbed Izuku's English notes so she could finish her homework, but then paused.

An old note she had once lost sat in her school bag.
Hiko hesitated but then grabbed it.

'Meet me at our alley.' The note read.
Hiko knew who it was from. Of course she had at first thought it had been from Hikari, but it had turned out to have been from a villain group.
Over the few years Hiko had seen Hikari at times. Not often, but whenever Hikari needed help he'd find Hiko ad she'd heal whoever needed healing.

With a sigh Hiko threw away the note.
No need to get sentimental over almost losing her wings. The memory send a shiver down her spine and Hiko looked up at the clock.

Hiko stretched her wings and let out a yawn before getting downstairs and starting dinner. When Hawks came home he'd be hungry. Seeing as he got healed he would be to tired to cook and Hiko wasn't in the mood for some crapy take out today.

On her way down Hiko looked at the big window in the apartment.
For a moment, she stopped to stare.

Hiko loved the feeling of freedom, she decided as she felt a smile forming on her face.

That evening Hawks and she sat on the couch, watching tv. As Hiko fell asleep Hawks put a blanket over her. Looking at the news, he only hoped it wouldn't give any trouble. Smiling at his daughter though, he knew she could get out of any situation.

Healium 4Where stories live. Discover now