4: What do you want!?

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As Hiko healed someone, the chattering around her stopped.
Everyone looked as she used her quirk before the wounds all healed.
Some people with smaller wounds looked in surprise as the glowing parts floated down at them and healed them as well.

"Magnificent," Someone mumbled.
As Hiko put her wings back on her back she took a small steadying breath before turning around at Hikari.

"Was that enough?" Hiko asked tiredly. They were trying to convince the 'boarder' that Hiko could be useful without losing her wings.

Hikari smiled proudly, "More than enough..." he then cleared his throat, "Except that I don't speak for the boarder."

"Right." Hiko huffed and looked around, "Where do I find those idiots?"

Someone stepped forwards and grinned, "Right here."

Hikari straightened his back as Hiko looked rather unimpressed at the tall grownup.

"Sir, this is Hiko—"

"Oh, I know who this is." The grownup reached up to Hiko's face but Hikari quickly had her step back.

"Sir," Hikari said harshly, "We can't just cut off her wings!"

A laugh escaped the grown up and Hiko braced herself.
"Foolish children." The grown up shook his head, "I won't cut off anyone's wings, not the boarder, not me."
Still the grin told Hiko bad news.

"What then do you want from me?" Hiko asked as she pushed Hikari's arm shielding her away.

The grown up grabbed something from his pocket. Hiko got a shiver down her spine when she noticed he had a gun.
"Simply some help."

Hiko sighed at the dramatics of the day, "You could have just asked—"

"What help?" Hikari asked as he interrupted me. He sounded harsh still.

"I will discuss this with Hiko. In my office." The grownup gave Hikari a small glare.

Unable to protest against it, Hikari looked away in defeat.
Hiko definitely noticed the authority the grownup seemed to have, but followed him to an office.

The office wasn't big... it had two chairs and a small table that could be a desk if you'd use your imagination.
As Hiko sat down she got a glass of water and the grown up started explaining.

"Everyone saw your great white wings on the internet," the grownup said as he leaned back a little, "Nobody really cares all that much, but I've got intel."

"Intel?" Hiko asked as her wings perked up, "About what?"

"Since I joined the boarder in his... place, I've been hearing more news. This truly is a safe place for kids to hide." The man folded his hands as if getting to business now.
"There's people who need a healing quirk," As the man talked his voice held some disgust, "But I can't allow them to kidnap you. It will give them an advantage which I can't afford them to have."

As Hiko thought she understood this person had a life besides being on this boarder.
"Who are these people?"

"A group called Hydrogem."

"Like Hydrogen?"

"No like a gem," the grownup showed a logo which indeed was a gem.

"It sounds like hydrogen though—"

"What's important," the grownup moved on, "Is that you're not safe."

Hiko sighed, "And you'd rather have me sit here and be near other villains, make sense."

The grownup glared, "And what other options do you have child."

Smiling, Hiko told him about her father, "He's a hero, he will protect me. Besides—"

"No," The grownup said abruptly with a glare.

Tilting her head, Hiko gave him a questioning look, "I don't even know your name... how am I to trust you?"

"Becuase..." the grownup tilted his head as well, though when he did it, it looked threatening, "There's no escape."

Pressing her lips together, Hiko was quick to understand her position.
An old and broken promis to herself sounded in her head.
'Don't live with someone stronger than you.'
Hiko really should have thought twice when entering this office. Now she had to try and get out.

"Everyone out there knows that you cannot escape," the grownup smiled at how Hiko had glanced at the door, "There's no use trying."

As soon as her wings rose, Hiko had already jumped up and now raced towards the door.
Her eyes went wide when some people stared at her. Some got up and Hiko even saw someone getting their quirk ready to fire. Instead of running out of the office, Hiko paused at the door.

"Understand now?" The grownup put a hand on Hiko's shoulder.

Looking back, Hiko glared at the man, "What do you really want?"

He licked his lips before the man put his other hand on her other shoulder, "Your quirk."

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