7: The real danger

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As Hiko struggled against her captor she relied on her other senses. They had taken a car to some place. Some place surrounded by woods, or many trees at the least. Hiko had been able to smell the trees, before she got pushed inside a place with a concrete floor. All she really know was that it was night by now, and the place smelled like a hospital. The blindfold got taken off her and finally her vision was off use.

"Nice to finally make acquaintances."

Hiko looked at a small person. Grey hairs and a very old face. His doctor clothes fell to the floor as short as the person was.

"Who are you?" Hiko asked, glancing up at the person who released her bounded hands.
This time her wrists were stuck with tape, not rope so she couldn't easily escape.

"Don't you worry about that, how about we get you to your position." The doctor said, pointing to an elevator.

"My position? What do you want from me?" Hiko asked, having enough of these kidnapping villains already.

As the doctor gestured to the elevator, Hiko's legs suddenly started walking. Confused she tried to stop, though she didn't.

The elevator ride down seemed most awkward, the doctor mumbling strange things about quirks. Hiko had an idea he wanted something from hers.
Suddenly she was forced to get out of the elevator and got pushed onto a bed... or more like a table.
As Hiko tried to move, someone put some bounds around her before the doctor raised a syringe.

"Time to sleep..."

The needle got closer and closer as Hiko had not way to escape.

Suddenly the doctor paused before the floor disappeared underneath his feet.

As Hiko smiled, she didn't notice the person behind her. A small sharp tool got put to her throat as the person looked around.
"Come out before I cut her throat!"
Hiko knew Hikari would come out and endanger himself, though he didn't, making her almost more concerned.

The threat made Hiko rol her eyes, "He might not hear you." The say the small knife got closer, Hiko quickly shut up.

Hiko realised she could move her elbow slightly. As she found a small movement in the corner of her eye, she pushed her elbow up, moving the scalpel up. Exactly then, the floor disappeared and the villain disappeared trough it.

As Hiko struggled against the binds again, Hikari ran up to her.
"We need to leave! Now!" He sounded more than panicked.

"What happened? Where even are we?"

Hikari didn't answer as he focussed on getting Hiko lose.
When she got lose, Hikari pulled her up and ran towards the elevator.

"Did they hurt you?" Hikari asked hurriedly as they stepped inside.


"Then you can fly." He concluded before he looked up. The rooftop of the elevator disappeared and Hiko pulled Hikari up as she used here wings to fly.

It was a tight fit, but Hiko pushed trough and landed on a ledge, "This should be the ground floor." She told Hikari.

He nodded and helped Hiko trough the wall. They now stood in a long hallway.

Hiko stepped back as someone hurried towards them. The person had knifes appearing in his hands and tried to stab her.

Hiko stepped aside and kicked the person's hand, making them drop the knife. Looking behind her she found Hikari fighting off another villain who could move on different walls.
This almost distracted her and Hiko quickly dodged the second knife the villain had.
She managed to dodge again before she picked up the first knife.
Crouching down left her vulnerable for a second, and the villain saw this. Hiko tried to get away from the knife before suddenly Hikari jumped in front of her.

Hiko's eyes went wide as the knife sunk into his sthoulder.
"Don't stop fighting!" Hikari ordered as he picked himself off the ground where he fell.

Hiko picked up the knife and stopped the villain from attacking Hikari a second time.

She stepped back when Hikari grabbed the knife from her hand and let Hikari stab the villain where his heart should be. As the villain fell to the ground Hikari pulled Hiko out of her state of fear.

"We need to move." He told her.
As they ran towards the exit, Hiko send the knife stuck in Hikari's shirt a worried glance.

Hiko threw open the door and they ran out of the building, into the forest.

"Can I pick you up or will it hurt?" Hiko asked as they didn't stop running, worried for anyone following.

"They will see you," Hikari told her, "We need to be further away."

"But if I do?" Hiko wanted to know, but Hikari didn't answer.

Gasping for air they finally stopped in what looked like the middle of the forest.
As Hiko looked up trough the leaves she only hoped her father would find her soon. Or that she would get home to him. She could get home on her own.

"Can I use my quirk?" Hiko asked as she looked around, "For the worst part of it?"

Hikari sighed, "Fine, just fix the fucking wound."

"We need to pull out the knife," Hiko said as she motioned for Hikari to sit, "Otherwise I can't heal the wound.

In the forest, Hikari sat down and Hiko gripped the knife handle with shaky hands.
Hikari's eyes met Hiko's making Hiko pause her counting.
Then Hikari suddenly leaned his face towards her, and pressed his lips agasinf hers softly.
Surprised, Hiko leaned back slightly before she pulled the knife out very suddenly, making Hikari hiss out in pain.

Hiko healed the wound as well as she could in the meek light and before long Hikari insisted they move along.
Fortunately the reached the end of the forest and Hiko flew them towards a town far in the distance.

As they got to a phone, Hikari nearly collapsed from exhaustion while Hiko used someone's phone to call her father.

When Hiko sat down next to Hikari hidden behind some bushes, they shared a look.
Suddenly they both laughed at the entire situation.
It was quite an adventure, to think of it.

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