8: Protecting

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Standing inside the empty apartment, Hawks looked down at the white feathers all over the place.
His eyes were wide with worry, there definitely weren't this many feathers before.
What worried him much more, there had been sign of a struggle, Hiko had been taken by someone.
Jumping out of a window, Hawks was quick to hurry outside. He would track Hiko down.


As Hawks stood in front of the two teenagers he looked at them with a small glare.
He had been worried more than sick, only to find them giggling together in some town miles away from home.

Hiko was first to speak, "In my defence, we got kidnapped."

Hawks' eyes widened, "You got—"

"Hiko got kidnapped twice actually," Hikari joined in, but at Hawks' glare he shut up.

A yawn escaped Hiko as she got up and walked towards Hawks, "Can we go home now, the place we got kidnapped isn't so far from here."

Giving Hiko a tight hug, Hawks glared at the other kid as if he had some blame in what happened, Hawks told Hiko in a soft tone, "We'll go home, don't worry feathers."

After filling reports to the police, the three got home to the apartment. Hiko sat on the couch next to Hikari and looked at her father curiously as he put on the coat of his hero suit.

"Where are you going?" She asked.

Hawks paused, "Just to do some hero business."
No, Hawks wasn't about to tell Hiko he was going back to the place she had been kidnapped to. He had a team gathered who were going to beat everyone there up. Legally :) .

"Be safe," Hiko said in a small voice.

Hawks nodded and then gave Hikari a nod. He could respect the kid a lot more after hearing he had protected his daughter.
"I'll be safe."

When Hawks flew off, Hiko looked at the tv.
One day she would be a hero, and then she'd be able to protect everyone around her.


The huge H formed building loomed over her as Hiko walked up to it lazily. Hawks was left behind her, having set her off, and Shoto todoroki stood waiting on her for the recommendation entrance exams.
Hiko send Shoto a confident smile before following him inside.

Hiko indeed would become a hero.
And she'd protect everyone around her!

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