2: Monday, the day it all goes wrong

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School was one of those things that everyone hates.
Like Mondays, nobody likes Mondays.

Hiko walked inside school and found Izuku. As she sat down he looked up and showed her some calculation.

Blinking her tired eyes in surprise, Hiko tried to make sense of the words and numbers.
"You want to do all that?" Hiko asked, concluding it was a training schedule.

Izuku nodded vigorously, "You think it's manageable?"

As Hiko took another look at the schedule she slowly shook her head, "No..."

A disappointed look formed on Izuku's face.
Some panic filled Hiko and she quickly tried to help it.

"I don't mean your weak, or something. It's just that it's to much— not even I can do that much things in one day—"

Fortunately Izuku smiled at Hiko and shook his head a little, "It's fine, someone is helping me train. I thought that maybe I should do more than—"

"Who's helping you train? What for?" Hiko asked eagerly, smiling herself as Izuku explained it vaguely, "Are you going to pursue your dream of becoming a quirkless hero?"

The last one had Izuku a bit uncomfortable before he nodded, "I'm going to become a hero."

Hiko grinned before between the two someone fired an explosion.
Feeling tired, Hiko just sighed while Izuku tried to cover himself with his hands.

"What are you saying? Deku can't become a hero!"
Katsuki Bakugo, even though fourteen already, hadn't changed at all.

"Grow the fuck up," Hiko mumbled, her language not mattering when nobody to correct her was near.

"Hah!?" Bakugo let out, disrespected, "Who are you to talk, Chicken?"

A smirk covered Hiko's face, "You haven't seen the news yet, or the YouTube video. It's titled 'Young Hero sighted'. Fitting, not?"

Izuku, knowing what Hiko was talking about smiled brightly but Bakugo just frowned.

"That was you?"

Hiko nodded, "Yeah... why?"
He beter not figure out she had saved her father. And that her father was the number three pro hero.

"You used your quirk in public?" One of Bakugo's friends asked tauntingly, "That's illegal!"

Bakugo stared a moment longer before he sneered, "Yeah, that's illegal."

Fortunately the teacher walked in and the students settled down.
Before Bakugo walked away though, he didn't hesitate to mumble, "You didn't say your father was the number three..."

Hiko paused as some panic bubbled up in her stomach.
As Izuku looked forwards at class, Hiko decided he hadn't heard, so she looked down and started thinking.
Izuku already knew about her father, though he didn't know Bakugo knew...

So Hiko was free to do something mean to Bakugo so she wouldn't get bullied for an irrational reason!

School ended and Bakugo left early, his eyes telling Hiko he was in thought. Perfect.

"I'll see you later." Hiko told Izuku. In the past they'd hang out together, but Hiko had stuff to do. Before she would go home though, she would first find Bakugo.

Walking trough the hallway she found him walking to the doors outside. Rushing trough the forming crowd, Hiko caught up to him.
Outside she pushed Bakugo to an area she knew wasn't filmed by any camera's. She knew because she had been beaten up here before, but that's not the point.

"Alright!" Hiko said harshly, grinning as she rose her wings up slightly to make herself look big, "Let's have a talk—"

"I won't tell anyone." Bakugo was first.
Hiko blinked slightly in surprise as she paused herself. He wouldn't?

"How can I trust you?"

Bakugo let out an annoyed sigh, "Obviously, there's no big deal about it. I don't know why you're hiding it in the first place. If anything you'd suddenly become popular in class."

As Hiko's wing twitched, she looked away, "Just don't tell anyone, or I'll make you regret it."

Certainly not impressed, Bakugo just walked passed Hiko and left the scene.

As Hiko walked home she passed the alley. The alley, mind you.
She walked inside and remembered talking to Hikari for ours. Sometimes they would just hang out and it was amazing. Hikari understood her. He understood what it was like to be faced with things bigger than you.
Now that they had grown up a little, they talked less. Today though, Hiko would love a talk.

She looked around the alley a bit before she gave up. Exiting on the other side she crossed the street and started walking again.
Hiko passed an alley before suddenly, her arm was caught.

Her eyes went wide as Hiko tried to keep her balance, only to be pulled inside the alley. Her back hit the ground as she fell, her wings shielding whoever was at front.
Did Bakugo follow her? What was happening?

"We got her!"
Someone sounded.
Hiko looked passed her wings, only to find a boot coming her way. She could only manage a gasp before suddenly, the world turned black.

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