Loading in front of a crowd.

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Minus girlfriend was sitting behind the curtains at her dads concert hall. She heard her stomach gurgle, but she was just too nervous to go poop. Her dad, ex-rockstar, hadn't performed in years, hence the nickname. She was both nervous and excited for him. She began pacing back and forth, both out of nervousness and to ignore the bathroom. "Gosh, at this rate he is gonna be late for his first concert in years!" Minus gf thought. "Right on time" Suddenly, ex-rockstar finally shows up and says. "Dads you were almost late!" Said minus girlfriend. "Even if i was late, it would be stylishly late" ex-rockstar confidently said. He walks out of the room and comes onto the stage, so minus girlfriend walked onto the stage, following after him, and jumped on the speakers so she could be there to support her dad as he sung.

As ex-rockstar began to walk onto the stage, he began to speak "By my own tradition, I would like to invite one of you watchers onto the stage to rap battle! How about you, blue boy, with the yellow outfit! Come onto the stage" the ex-rockstar said. "Beep!" the boy said ,excitedly, in response to this. "Darn, he's a cute one" thought minus girlfriend as her dad began to speak again. "Alright boy, I'm gonna let my daughter run down the basics for ya!" Ex-rockstar exclaimed.

"Left, right, up, down, down" minus girlfriend sung. "Bee, ba, oh ,ow, ow" the blue boy beeped. "That's how you do it" minus girlfriend exclaimed. "Alright, now that you know the basics, let's start" ex-rockstar said. As minus girlfriend heard them sing, she suddenly became aware of her need to mess. She had not used the restroom all day, out of nervousness for her dad. "I can hold it, I'm 19 after all!" She thought as she listened to them sing. "Dang, he's like a pro." She thought to herself.

"He really knows what to do" Minus girlfriend thought while watching the blue boy sing, "He's hot too, maybe I should ask him out after this". His voice allowed her to relive her stress, however stress wasn't the only thing that was relieved. What minus girlfriend didn't realize was that she had just let a turd escape into her pants! She felt more coming out and she tried to hold it, but failed. As more poop lid into her panties with sqourching and squelching noises, she began to push, just to speed it up. Her face scrunched up and she inaudibly grunted as she crapped her pants. Finally, the last turd deposited into her underwear. "Oh no, I'm a grown woman, how could I have crapped myself!" She thought "well, it's not noticeable, and I don't want to bail right now! I have to watch my dad sing, he'll be heartbroken if I don't, plus I want a chance to talk to that blue cutie!" She decided to sit in her mess through the last song, it felt odd to her. It was squishy, but warm, almost therapeutic in a way. It stuck to her butt in a mushy grip. Luckily for her, the last song was pretty short so it finished quickly, and surprisingly, the blue boy had managed to beat her dad! She was shocked but still more shocked about the fact she had messed her fancy dress (not the one in the mod) but it was really only her panties so it would be fine.

"Thanks for the amazing songs kid, why don't you go backstage and talk with my daughter while I finish off the album" ex-rockstar exclaimed before turning to face the audience. "Bep bap beep bo" he replied. Minus girlfriend realized that her dad was trying to give her a chance to ask the blue kid out. "I can sit in this mess for a little while longer" thought minus girlfriend as she headed backstage with the blue boy trying to think of ways to ask him out.

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