Dates and diapers

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"First things first" minus girlfriend thought. She was about to take off her underwear when her bowels growled again. "I already pooped in them, i can't believe there's more! Oh well, i might as well finish the job" she said as she squatted down and pushed as she emptied her bowels into her pants. She felt each turd slowly slide into her panties with nice squishing like noises, which made her happy. She felt the turds slowly exit herself, while she moaned a little. Once she was done, the weight cause her to fall to the floor, squishing her fresh mess against her skin. "Why does this actually feel good?" Minus girlfriend thought to herself. She reached her hand to the back of her underwear and poked her mess a little.

She then got up and took them off, emptied the contents of them into the toilet, flushed it and threw her underwear in the trash. "Won't use those again" she made a mental note. She then put the rest of her clothes into her laundry bin and showered. While showering, she accidentally pissed herself. "Ok that's weird, I never have pissed myself in the shower before" minus girlfriend thought to herself. "Well to be fair, I've never shat myself on stage on front a crowd" she thought to herself, while blushing. She stopped the shower and dried off. "Ah, that was nice" minus girlfriend exclaimed. She played some hatsune miku on her headphones, as She began getting ready for her date with blue boyfriend.

She put on her dress which was black except for the white minus symbol in top center. She then put on her black fishnet stockings and her shiny black shoes. She put on her best smelling perfume. She curled her hair, and got ready to head off. She said goodbye to her parents and ex-rockstar knew exactly who she was seeing.

Minus girlfriend walked to the outside of the theater and there was blue boyfriend. He was wearing a blue hat and yellow jacket. "You look cute" blue boyfriend said, blushing. "Thanks, you as well mate!" Minus girlfriend said. "I'm gonna take you to this great restaurant in town." Blue boyfriend said. "Ok, but I can pay since my parents are ex-celebrities we have a lot of money." Minus girlfriend exclaimed. "Actually my sister is hatsune miku, you know the famous Japanese pop idol, so I'll pay no prob" blue boyfriend exclaimed. "Your bloody sister is Miku! So that's where your singing talent comes from, must run in the family." Minus girlfriend said, shocked.

'So, goth girlfriend, what kinda music do you listen to?" Blue boyfriend asked. "Funnily enough, I mostly listen to miku's music. I even listened to it while getting ready for our date. I guess this date was meant to happen, huh?" Minus girlfriend happily exclaimed while chuckling. "Hah, yeah I guess" blue boyfriend said. They hadn't even ordered their food yet, and minus girlfriend had already downed 5 cherry doctor peppers, while the boyfriend only drank 2 coca colas. "You have a lot of singing skills, you should be in a band" minus girlfriend had said, attempting to chat a little. "I'm thinking about it, but I would have to find enough people I trust to be part." Blue boyfriend replied. "Well, I'd definitely be willing to help" said minus girlfriend. "Well you would definitely be part." Blue boyfriend replied.

Finally the waiter arrived and they got to order. Minus girlfriend had ordered enchiladas, and blue boyfriend ordered steak. "This place always has amazing food" blue boyfriend said. "I bet it does of so many people want it" minus girlfriend replied. It was true, the restaurant was packed to the brim with people. While they were eating, minus girlfriend heard her bowels gurgle and growl. She realized her bowels were as full as the restaurant was. "You have got to be kidding me" thought minus girlfriend. She refused to use the restroom, because she wanted to talk to blue boyfriend as long as possible. "How about we look through the mall at some stores and stuff, goth girlfriend?" blue boyfriend happily said. "S-sure blue boyfriend!" Minus girlfriend said. While walking minus girlfriend lost control again and felt multiple turds slide into her pants. She tried to hold the beast on with all her might, but just couldn't. She even had to slightly squat as grunt as the mess forced itself into her pants. She couldn't believe that she crapped her pants for the second time that day. "Blue boyfriend, can I talk to you for a second, in private" minus girlfriend said very nervously and with tears in hear eyes. Blue boyfriend could tell she was upset and agreed.

She led him to music store and went to a dearest only room. "Blue boyfriend, I-I pooped my pants twice today, and on complete accident too." Minus girlfriend said while turning around and lifting up her skirt, showing blue boyfriend her poop filled panties. "It's alright, I'm not gonna judge you for it. But if they were accidents then maybe you should consider wearing diapers, or at least some form of protection." Blue boyfriend said. "You would never want to be my boyfriend if wore diapers! No boy would" minus girlfriend cried. "Your wrong, even if you wear diapers, I would love to be your boyfriend!" Blue boyfriend said. "W-wow, blue boyfriend I can't believe you like me that much that you would date even if I am a disgusting diaper pooper." Minus girlfriend exclaimed. "Of course I do, your kind sweet and beautiful. Anyone who judges you for your slight quirks is a idiot. Come on now let's go buy you some diapers before anyone notices you crapped your self, and if anyone asks who the pamps are for, just say it's for your grandma or something." Blue boyfriend said.

They went and picked up a couple fairly large packs of thick, black and white stripped diapers as well as wipes, baby powder, rash cream, a diaper bag that looked like a purse(as to not embarrass Minus girlfriend) and a onesie, mainly as a joke. Minus girlfriend then went into a one person lockable restroom and changed out of her pooped britches, throwing in the bin and changing into her new diapers. Once she got out, she lifted her skirt a little bit, showing blue boyfriend her diapers. "Honestly, I think you look kinda cute in them" blue boyfriend said. Minus girlfriend chuckled and they began to walk home. Before they went to their homes, they exchanged numbers and arranged another date, for two days later, and this time it was at minus girlfriend's own home.

As minus girlfriend walked into her home, she had a face of excitement. Ex-rockstar had a pretty good guess about what happened to have made her that happy, but decided not to embarrass her. Minus girlfriend went upstairs. She Couldn't believe her crazy night, I mean she literally has a boyfriend now, and a cute one at that! She felt like the luckiest girl in the world as she sat down to scroll social media, she heard her diaper crinkle.

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