Chapter 1. Cheating

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The setting is  Summer of  Freshman year ended.... The It was Friday night...   

 Eve's P.O.V.

I was  trying to have a good time at  the party with my boyfriend and my best friend.   When  we got  in  side   his house,   it was pack.  People dancing.   Some people  were smoking and   playing poker strip.  

Third P.O.v.

Keith  said " I'll get you something to drink."

Eve said " No alcohol."

He sigh and  said  " fine."

After He left them,  Lilly said " Let's dance while we wait for him with our drinks."

 Eve said " I'll sit and wait for him."

She shug her shoulder and said "okay."

When she found some space on the  couch, she took it  before  some else would sit there. She sat down  and was texting her   cousin waiting for her boyfriend to come  back.  When an  hour had passed,  she went to looking for her best friend. When she couldn't find her best friend, Eve  went to  look for her boyfriend.

Eve ( aka Everly ) P.O.V.

When I couldn't find my best friend, i started to look for my boyfriend. I went to each room of the  house.  When I opened the last room  on the first floor,  I heard a couple moaning. I was just  about to shut the door when she heard  the guy said " I'm about  to  -

I shut the door and  walked like a zombie until i was out in the back yard.  I couldn't believe my boyfriend was banging some girl.

Third P.O.V. 
 When Eve  found   a  quiet place  in  the back yard.  She sat  down  on the  random lawn beach chair and   cried  and started to wonder why would he cheat.

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