Chapter 2. Her life changed

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 Third P.O.V.
After Eve  cried, she pulled herself together and was bout to text her cousin to pick her up when some guy taped her shoulder and said " What if I can change your life."

She laugh and then said " yeah right."

He then took out a piece of paper and from his pocket and said " I'm Selven. If you sign this paper your life will change."

Eve laugh and said " okay sure."

She signed the blank piece of paper and said " I don't feel any - she felt like her body was fire and the next thing you know she passed out.

The next day.... Eve's P.O.V.

I woke up and was freaking out. I sat up and notice that i was in someone else's room. The room was big. It had a couch and a plasma tv hanging on the wall and a walk in closet. I got out of bed and looked down to see if i was in my dress form last night. When I was in my dress , I started to walk towards the curtains to let some light in when I smelled some bacon and eggs.

I looked around and saw a stranger sleeping on the couch with a tattoo on their back. I shrug my shoulder thinking It's the guy handed me the paper.

When I went out of the room and followed the smell.

Third P.O.V.

When Eve got in the kitchen , Boom ( aka Boomer ) said " Don't touch the broken plate Everly." while his back was towards her.

Eve said " okay.... How do  you know m... Boomer what are you doing here."

He said " Me, What are you doing sleeping in...  Did Selven give you a paper to sign."

When Eve gave him a confused look, He was about to say something when her phone rang.

LA LA LA - Auburn ft Iyaz

She said "  Yeah. Why?...  Why i  can I hear my phone but i don't see my purse anywhere."

He said " you're a Lycan Slayer. Snice you signed the blank piece of paper  ( Lycan Slayer - is zomwolf (aka zombie werewolf) bounty hunter )

When she was still confused, He said " sit down and eat while I explain everything."

After Boom explain everything, She said "  I just thought   Sev was drunk when he said that because  he sounded drunk.

Eve was bout to say something but her phone rang again. She got up from the kitchen table and said " Is there a loophole to break this contract."

Just as he was about to answer her, Sev came downstairs and said " you said you wanted your life change."

Eve turned around and said " I didn't think you were serious..Sleven.  And you looked like you were drunk."

Boom said " anyways    there is a loophole ( law version. ) but you're not going to like it."

When Boom showed her the contract. He took a magnifying glass and shower her the loophole.

After she read it, She was about to say something when her phone rang.

LA LA LA - Auburn ft Iyaz

She ignored her friend's call and said " I'm not going to kill a person who is jail."

 Sev said " well now your living a double life until   you die."

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