No Place For An Omega

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Oh Sehun drops his suitcase at the front door. Louis Vuitton. A gift from his father-in-law. Then he removes his sunglasses. Dolce and Gabbana. Also a gift from his father-in-law. The same father-in-law who'll strangle him with his own bare hands if he witnesses the altercation between his son and a stranger Sehun witnesses now.

He thought maybe he'd seen wrong from wearing his sunglasses indoors. Thought the foreign scent of an alpha might've been a new neighbor or concierge. But when he steps into his penthouse and sees Baekhyun pinned to the floor, face covered in blood, and a man in black hovering over him with his nose nearly chewed off, his father-in-law flashes across his mind's eye and he sees red.

Sehun can't remember if he said something. Shouted a curse word. Asked a question, some clarification on the situation. Checked if Baekhyun was okay. He only recalls feeling his heart rate increase tenfold, and then the stranger wearing black and cigarettes wound up in his hands, Baekhyun scurrying out of the crossfire.

Bleach. The smell of intimidation. A smell that burns when entering the nostrils, stings the eyes, makes itself known as a threat. Chanyeol chokes, feeling the flame of notional fumes festering in his open wounds, bringing hot tears to his eyes. Having this acrid alpha yank him upwards and slam him into a wall, faces close makes the stench far more suffocating and personal. Chanyeol can't move away from it. Can't move at all. He drops his head back, knocking his skull on the plaster, and holds his breath. A temporary escape, but the longer he stays trapped in this man's powerful grip, the worse the stench grows.

"Who the fuck are you? What the hell are you doing in my house?"

He punctuates each sentence by pulling Chanyeol forward and then slamming him into the wall again. His teeth never lose contact, staying tight in a seething bite. The words work their way around the blockade, breaking free from his mouth hissing and venomous.

Chanyeol doesn't answer his question fast enough. Honestly he doesn't hear much of what he says. Sehun pauses for a response. Maybe a fraction of a second, but so much time allotted seems too generous. Then he pulls his fist back and lands a vehement blow to the side of Chanyeol's head, striking him to his knees. His knuckles collide with Chanyeol's ear, triggering a deafening ring that rattles around in his skull like a pinball machine. Blackness in one eye for a moment. A throbbing pain shooting through his head and down to his neck. Blood from his temple – a warm, steady stream of weakness. Chanyeol doesn't put up a fight. He lets himself hit the ground, heavy and limp, keeping a hand splayed across his ear to cool the burn of the impact.

"Did you touch him? Huh? Did you fucking touch him?"

A hand grips the collar of Chanyeol's jacket. Then he feels himself being hoisted up again only to be knocked down. Again. Not an unfamiliar feeling to him. This isn't his first rodeo with a raging alpha.

"He's been following me with a weapon. And he threatened to kill my chauffeur if he didn't drive us back here. He was going to hold me hostage in my own house." Baekhyun explains, wiping blood from his mouth.

He put a reasonable distance between himself and the alpha altercation. No place for an omega. He knows that. He also knows Sehun might kill the son of a bitch if given a reason. Seeing a strange alpha on top of his omega, pinning him down by his wrists and keeping him trapped between his legs – that is a good enough reason.

"You sick bastard."

Sehun hacks up spit, spraying the back of Chanyeol's neck as he struggles to get back on his feet. Also not an unfamiliar feeling. He's been spit on like a filthy dog plenty of times.

"I know alphas like you will put your hands on any omega you see, but entering my house? How much lower can you get? You want to molest my mate on my own fucking carpet? In my own fucking living room? I'll kill you. I'll chop that dick off you call a brain and shove it down your throat, you vile mutt."

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