Smoke In The Kitchen

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Sehun reads somewhere online that omegas should receive at least a few hours of sunshine and fresh air every day to regulate hormones. It's worth noting this particular information is intended for pregnant omegas without underlying health conditions or chronic hormone imbalances. But Sehun seems quite interested in mommy-blogs and takes all of this advice to heart.

A day after Baekhyun's collapse, he's somewhat himself again. He can move, he can talk, he can stand if he really wants to put in the effort. But he doesn't, so Sehun gives him piggy-back rides wherever he needs to go and Baekhyun makes an effort to always need someplace to go.

So they're on good terms again. Chanyeol doesn't like how he keeps frowning.

They go down to the beach today, as prescribed by mommy-bloggers. Sehun fusses over Baekhyun the entire time, making sure he sits on the blanket in the sand and stays there, chides him whenever he tries to get in the water, pours sunscreen over him every few minutes. It's the first time since arriving on the island where Sehun puts his phone down, stops gossiping to Suho, stops stressing over Chanyeol, and genuinely enjoys a relaxing moment with his fiance.

Chanyeol has to wonder what changed in the twenty-four hours between their death stare contest the morning before and the giggles and kisses today. One bowl of soup and a twelve hour nap must've been the trick. Or maybe Sehun wants to be a little nicer out of pettiness because he can't get over the metaphorical dick measuring contest he's struck up with Chanyeol.

Or maybe Chanyeol's the one who can't get over it.

He isn't invited to the beach. Stay on the balcony, watch the scope, stay the fuck away or I'll pour sunscreen in your eyes. He can only watch the good times pass him by from afar as Sehun runs around in the shallows, kicking up water, and Baekhyun makes himself an idle starfish in the sun. Chanyeol doesn't know the validity of mommy-bloggers, but the sun creates a tan where he was once blue and the fresh air helps him breathe easy when his lungs kept stalling. He looks healthier, stronger, and this new sunkiss gives him a dewy glow.

Chanyeol...doesn't like how long he's been staring at him through the scope.

There's that temptation again – to go swimming when he enjoys water as much as house cats do, when he can't swim very well and the rip will surely take him, when Sehun's far too close to sneak around him this time. He hates sand, he hates the beach, the ocean makes him nervous. But...why does he have to be on the balcony all the time?

He rests his elbow on the railing and his head on his fist, one eye on the scope like some peeping Tom who can't help himself. He's done nothing but watch the beach bash all morning, drifting in and out of sleep because he can only sit still for so many hours.

Sehun gets out of the water, droplets running down the grooves of his muscles. Chanyeol takes a moment to get a look at him with his shirt off and legs exposed by shorts. They're almost identical in stature, just about the same build. Chanyeol might be a little taller. And a little more muscular. But there's no denying the cosmos have a predetermined type for Baekhyun.

He pats himself dry, arm muscles flexing anytime he moves so Chanyeol keeps thinking it's on purpose. Then he lowers himself onto the blanket, laying flat on his stomach, head on his arms. He's snuggled up to Baekhyun so their lips brush when they talk, sneaking in kisses as punctuation marks. Forehead touches, nose nuzzling, coils of hair wrapping around each other's fingers. A little nip at the lips with gentle teeth and then laughter – the kind of laughter that has them falling on top of each other in a clumsy hug. Damp skin rubbing together, skulls knocking together by accident, more mirth.

Then they stop, catching their breaths. Sehun on top of Baekhyun, completely draped over his body and face hovering over his, fingers grazing his cheeks. He says something close to his lips, breathing the words into his mouth. Eyes sparkling, looking nowhere but down at Baekhyun. Another kiss. They can barely finish a sentence. Then Baekhyun reaches up to tangle his hands in his hair and pins them together with one tug, holding his head in place so he won't break away from the kiss.

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