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Usually, Kyungsoo is the one fastening zip ties around purple wrists and trapping people in chairs. But not today. Today, the roles are reversed; he now understands why the wrists and ankles swell so easily when Winter tightens the zip ties around him. He also understands just how durable the binds are; he didn't expect escape to be so utterly impossible because of some strips of plastic.

A flickering light dangles above his head, swinging with every thump of a footstep from the room above. They're in a dank, disgusting basement fit only for rats and cockroaches, thick with humidity and reeking of mold. Maybe in a house. Or some sort of Itaewon gang headquarters. Kyungsoo isn't exactly sure; Winter knocked him out with the butt of her sword prior to their arrival. All he knows is that they aren't alone. There are people shuffling about upstairs. Whether these strangers know of their presence in the basement and are working with Winter or not, he has no idea. The only way he can think to find out is by screaming for help, but he refrains for the time being. So far, Winter has been somewhat easy on him.

She leans against a table across from him, slowly and meticulously dragging a rock along the edge of her katana. Each stroke fills the dirty air with a shink sound – a sound that rattles through Kyungsoo's bones and sends shivers through his limbs as he waits anxiously for her next strike.

"Are you comfortable?" She asks without looking up, another stroke to her sword.

"I've been better."

"You know, I could cut you free and let you go right here, right now. All you've gotta do is tell me where Byun Baekhyun is. Simple."

"I really don't know."

"And I really don't believe you."

She stands abruptly, pushing the table back slightly and scraping the legs against the dusty floor. Her katana swishes through the air as she admires the shine of her blade, so sharp just looking at it hurt.

"Why do you insist on protecting him? Surely you're not an integral part of the Gangnam pack. You can't possibly get much respect from these people, so why do their bidding and put your life on the line?"

Kyungsoo bites his tongue. He feels the cold burn of the sword gently pressing into his neck, pushing ever so slightly, more and more until a trickle of blood drips down his skin. He fights hard not to flinch.

"You're just a beta, aren't you?" She adjusts the sword, putting the tip of the blade under his chin and using it to lift his head. "Here you are running around in the line of fire, doing everyone else's dirty work, giving up your life just to protect some rich brat, and for what? A pat on the back? An attaboy? Is he really worth it? Tell me," She pushes the katana forward, poking Kyungsoo's throat. "Do you even care about Byun Baekhyun? Better yet, does he even care about you?"

The zip ties tighten with every slight move Kyungsoo makes in his futile attempts to pry himself free. There are only two ways to get out of this: give up Baekhyun's location or die, taking the information to his grave. No one is looking for him. Suho probably doesn't even notice he hasn't returned. There's no one to count on for rescue but himself. And it's either Baekhyun's life. Or his.

"You're just a pawn – you know that, right? An expendable body that acts as a meat shield for the people that really matter. You don't even know Baekhyun personally, do you?" She laughs, twisting the blade into Kyungsoo's throat. He chokes, but maintains his composure.

"Are you close? Have you ever even spoken to him? I'm asking seriously."

"Yes." Kyungsoo chokes out. Blood oozes down his front and his skin burns with the sting of sharp metal, but he won't let the pain show on his face. He squeezes his hands around the arms of the chair and braces himself for a deeper dig.

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