Tell anyone and You're Dead

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A/N: I can tell you that these next three chapters are explosive, insane, confusing, worrying, and infuriating if that's what you've been wanting *Devil grinning emoji here* 


Thank god we've finally agreed to start taking more breaks. 

And fuck god for not letting us find the answers we're looking for. 

"How is there nothing in any book about this house?!" I exclaim as I look at our small list of things we've found out and Castien shakes his head. 

"They were probably a very private family and didn't need to tell the whole world who they were. Remember, back then, people were lucky if they were in your presence and it was less about connections and alliances." 

I snort "You mean back then as in a few decades ago?" and he chuckles. 

"Yes, smartass. I mean a few decades ago. But from what we have, it doesn't make sense as to how the Clintendon family became so vicious. They were so well-liked across the continent and were very respectful and well-meaning." 

I sigh as I lean back in my chair. "It only takes one bad apple to ruin the whole tree, Castien. I mean look at my uncle. He murdered everyone else in my family except for my father." 

Castien shakes his head as he closes the books and looks over at me. 

"Okay, I know-" 

"Rhea no, I will not allow you to message that psychopath just to find out some answers. You've already put your life in danger multiple times since I've met you. We're done with that," he says warmly and I roll my eyes. 

"Maybe you are, but I sure as hell aren't. I need to find out what blackmail he has on people and what the hell he had against Nicasia and Nara that would be so bad that killing me would be easier," I explain and his brow furrows. 

"Look, it's cute and it's very sweet that you want to take care of me, but you can't take care of me and protect me all the time, Castien. I'm a reckless and ambitious woman-" 

He snorts but his hands settle on my waist softly and I shake my head. 

"I'm a reckless and ambitious woman who's going to be this kingdom's future queen one day. I want to make sure that my reign is completely unobstructed by surprises like with Lord Jasce. This is a bump in the road that has to be fixed now rather than later or else it'll just evolve into something worse, Castien." 

He sighs as he places his forehead against mine before his eyes lock with mine and he smiles softly.
"You're still not going to message him," he says and I groan to which he chuckles before he kisses me. 

"Like I said, I want you safe, Rhea. You can't blame a moody asshole like me for wanting to protect you. We'll get answers soon, but inviting him into your life is not the answer." 

"Fine," I whisper and he hugs me closer, but I still don't feel convinced. 

He can give me the answers that me and Castien have been scouring for. 


I can't believe I'm here

Why the fuck am I here in the first place? 

As I dismount from the steed, I look at the mansion in front of me and try to fix the frown on my face. 

I can't believe I'm here.

Taryn comes out of the house and she pauses when she sees me before she dips into a hasty curtsy.

"Oh, you don't have to," I say as I approach her and she pops back up before looking me down and up. 

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