Tears of darkness: Prologue

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"So, I hear ya wanna hear the tale of a wolf that wrecked house!?" A tall, Snow white furred wolf hollered as he put his Voldka on the bar table harshly.

"Well, ya came to the right place. Now listen up bitch nigga, cause this story is gonna be long and confusing, and trust me. I won't repeat myself twice, you can go ahead and draw a tree to connect these things together, and while you are at it fetch me another drink!"
His deep voice still clear despite him seemingly drinking himself to death, his figure while sitting was hunched over (no shit sherlock), a long tail with the tip white was clearly visible, grey (no I'm not telling you which shade of grey it is) eyes and a smirk that looked like you we're about to get mugged and killed showed, his clear white fangs glowed as he smirked, instantly grabbing something from his tail and opening it. "ah, this cash will have to do." He slid the wallet back into your back pocket and turned to you. Alright mate, listen and observe with all your attention or god help me I'll smash your lights out. Okay let's get started..."

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