Chapter 2: Medic...?

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It had been a few months, after much walking, in now general direction Absol had gone a long way from his starting point.

He had arrived in a somewhat large town, His fur looked scarred and coarse, his blood stained several parts of it, one eye was gashed, the eye partially severed however this was not visible due to his ear covering most of it. He kept his eye closed as well, hoping no one saw it. His limping was obvious, not only that but he leaked a fresh crimson line from where he came, his dark hand covering his right rib with his left hand as he dragged his foot. His tail stay wrapped around his neck like a scarf whilst he walked.

The surrounding ambiance was normal, no one really noticed the small pup walking though for they were too busy with their lives to waste time with the creature. As he walked however, his vision became more blurred and distorted with each step. His stomach churned and roared at him, The immense pain came over him causing him to fall down. The pup now crawled, using only his left so then he wouldn't bleed out as fast. However, just as he was about to give up, being too tired and in pain to continue he was turned around, as if someone had noticed and pushed him over to investigate. He released his right hand from the wound, putting all his trust into the random stranger before blacking out himself...

He woke up in a white room, bandage wrap covered his chest and he had a cast on his left leg, he went to touch his eye, realizing someone had stitched it out and put a eye patch in it's place, this shocked the poor little wolf, causing him to move and try getting up, when he did however he yelped. The pain from his broken leg entered him once more, this caused a female doctor to rush in and put him back to bed. Her voice was soft and relaxed, the way she spoke to him made him relax a bit. Calming down as she pet his head he noticed what she had on, a indigo colored vest as if she was a scientist of some kind, she wore an eye patch on her eye as well, which helped calm hin down as well as straight snow white hair that went down to the top of her legs. Her eyes were a watery blue and her skin smooth, he noticed her ears as well, but they were well hidden in her hair.

Absol began to questioning his coincidence in her. Suddenly, he leaped out of his bed, turning to his left to crash into a window and fall down to a bush, the shards of glass stuck to his arm, his big tail however helped his fall. Making him able to survive and not get more wounded than he already was, the doctor looked outside the now broken window, her hair flowed with the wind as she kept her hands as her chest, not knowing where the pup landed she went into panic and started to look for the little one...

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