Chapter 5: Newblood

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Now, Absol had spent a lot of time with this woman, she taught him many things like how to read and write, how defend himself and even how to control his tail efficiently. As if she knew everything about him she passed it down to the no longer young pup.

He had grown up to beginning his teens, he spent most of his hours down in the basement now training area to Hine the ways of the blade and to learn to perceive and manipulate an opponents movements, just as he was practicing the bunny walked in, wearing her normal glasses and a glass for him to drink. "Hey there champ, I see you are working hard still. Maybe you need a little break." Absol looked at her, smiling and heading to her, taking the glass with his tail and slowly drinking it down, after he responded to her "But what if something happens, I wanna make sure to protect you, please mama. I wanna make myself strong for you..." the fire in his dark blue eyes sparked at her, causing her to sigh and smile, but right after the smile disappeared and turned into a frown.

She then brought him up to the main floor, getting him 2 presents and some fresh clothes for him. It was a coat which on his still small stature was too big like a trench coat, the inside was layered with white while the outside was a black leather. The pants she got him had a special belt around him that even had a pouch, some holding holes for bottles and such and a clip, so he could take it off with ease. The pants were sort of just black, nothing special just normal black jeans but to Absol they were more since his "Mother". She lead him out and brought him to the clearing where they first hugged, upon reaching the destination she gave him some supplies and cried while doing it. She noticed her expression and his ears dropped, his smile to a frown as he put his paw on his mother shoulder. "What is happening, mom?" She stayed shut, not letting him hear her thoughts caused him to just watch. Right after she got up and wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry child, but you can't stay here..."

Absol went into a sort of shock until he could speak, his eyes filling with tears "B-but mom, I'm not ready to leave yet!" He cried harder, hugging her tightly and not letting go until she pushed away. "I'm sorry, but don't worry I'll be watching over you." She ran deep into the woods, her sheer speed couldn't be matched by the wolf, eventually he stopped trying to find her. He headed to the hospital where they were however upon his arrival the hospital was gone as if it was a ghost ship of some kind, vanishing into thin air.

Absol stayed there, falling to his knees and crying, he felt defeated inside. Falling to the floor onto his side and curling up into a fetal position only to cry until he fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2016 ⏰

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