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When she was five years old, her mother died from cancer, lung cancer to be exact.

Her mother hadn't even been that old.

Her mother had been rather young.

She remembered crying for days after her mother's death.

She remembered wanting desperately for her father to comfort her and tell her that everything was going to be ok.

The opposite happened, however.

Her father had, in fact, blamed her for her mother's death.

Even though it wasn't her fault at all, her father still blamed her.

After her mother's death, her father became an alcoholic and began to beat her almost everyday saying that it was her fault that her mother died.

She endured it though.

She endured all of it.

She endured it because she felt she owed it to her mother to stay by her father's side.

She endured it because she had nowhere else to go.

But mostly, she endured it because he was her father and despite all of his beatings she loved him with all her heart.

She endured it only hoping that somehow she could help him overcome her mother's death and maybe return to his old self.

That never happened though.

For a good five years, she endured all of his beatings and insults, but he never showed any signs of returning to his old self.

Sometimes even the purest and kindest of hearts reach a certain limit that they just can't take it anymore.

She had reached that limit and even if leaving her father's side was one of the hardest things that she ever had to do, she still did it.

She ran away from her alcoholic father, her dead mother, and her old life.

She didn't get very far before the police found her, sleeping in a cardboard box in a dark alleyway.

The police had asked her where her parents were and why she was out there all alone.

She had no words to tell the policemen.

For she was too broken to even utter a single word.

She was then taken to an orphanage that had over 100 orphans in it, small and big, short and tall, young and old.

Regrets always remained in her head when she ran away, but she told herself that she would be ok, that he would be ok, and that she was doing the right thing.

Deep down, though, she had no clue if she was doing the right thing and that's what continued to haunt her.

From age 10-12, she seemed to fit in well with the other orphans and her broken heart slowly healed.

Then from age 13-14, her broken heart slowly reopened again.

The other kids began to bully her because of her overly imaginative mind.

She always had her head in the land of make believe, where there were no worries, no responsibilities, and most of all everyone was happy.

Like with her father, she reached a limit.

Plus, with her father, she could endure the beatings and insults, but when other kids did it that was something that she couldn't handle.

When she finally reached the age of 15, she had tried her first chance to run away from the orphanage, but she was found out about from one of the other kids and was caught in the act.

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