8 - Trust

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Hudson had just been asked by a male fan, who had also been saved by The Red Rose, to help him prove just how kind she really was. He glanced at his members uncertain. Parker and Tony shook their heads, while the others shrugged.

"Hudson, we've come this far. We can't afford to get involved with The Red Rose," Tony insisted with a stern look.

"Tony is right Hudson. I mean, sure, The Red Rose saved you and this guy, but that doesn't make her any less a thief, let alone a wanted criminal," Parker responded with a nod of agreement. Hudson sighed as he glanced back at the fan, who glared at them.

"I knew it. You guys see her as a ruthless criminal too, don't you?" The fan asked as he pointed at them. His voice had raised and several fans looked their way, making them members feel, uneasy about the situation. "You wouldn't understand unless you met her. She is a good person! She saved more than two lives! She saved Hudson, she saved me, and she saved my whole family! She's a hero, not a criminal!" The fan looked at Hudson with narrowed eyes, "You know right? I mean, you've met her. You agree with me that she's a hero right?" Hope beamed in the fan's eyes as he stared at the youngest member. Hudson stared back for a while only to not say anything. This made the fan groan in annoyance. "I should have known. No way would the famous, boy band Rising Sun agree that The Red Rose is kind. You're all too uptight. I don't care what you think. She saved me when she could have just left and not looked back, but she still saved me and she stood up for my family. She offered us money, food, water, and shelter when she could have turned a blind eye. She saved you as well when she could have just left you there to die."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, she offered you money, food, water, and shelter?" Michael asked in shock. The fan nodded in response, a determined look on his face.

"Yeah, it surprised me too, but she showed us the essentials and when we asked her if she stole all those things she said no. She told us that she actually worked for that money and bought all of the food, the water, and even has a her own place," the fan continued with a serious look, "Apparently, she works just like anybody else and she works beside others as well. The only reason no one recognizes her is because she doesn't wear her cape or wear her signature red lips." Hudson's eyes slightly widened. So, The Red Rose could be anybody. She could even be in the crowd of fans, looking up at him right now. Thinking that made his heart jump in his chest. "Look, you clearly have plenty to do here, so I'll ask somebody else to help me because you clearly don't believe me." The fan grumbled as he turned away and began to walk off.

Hudson felt alarmed at this. He wanted to talk about The Red Rose some more. Standing up, he called out to the fan.

"Wait! I do know how kind she is!" He exclaimed as he reached his hand towards the fan, "I dined with her yesterday. She thanked Parker for the meal and even praised him and then she thanked me for inviting her in. She can be good. I know it too!"

He hadn't realized just loud he was, but every one turned to look at him with bewildered expressions. His members stared wide eyed with their mouths hanging open. The fan stared at him in shock for a moment before returning to the table.

"Hudson, what is wrong with you?" Parker asked in a harsh tone. The whispers of the crowd could be heard loud and clear. Hudson sighed as he stood up and held a microphone to his lips.

"The members and I.... dined with The Red Rose yesterday. I invited her in and she ate with us like any normal person would," he explained as calmly as he could, "She thanked us for the meal and even praised Parker's cooking. She thanked me for inviting her too. She didn't steal anything when she could have. She...... generally seemed happy to be having a meal with us."

Gasps erupted throughout the crowd and chattering began. Hudson let out a sigh as he sat back down and looked at the fan, who nodded in response.

"You don't have to answer me yet, but if you're just as willing to show that The Red Rose is kinder than people make her out to be then meet me at this address," the fan instructed as he wrote down an address and handed it to Hudson. Hudson took it and nodded in response. The fan nodded back before disappearing into the crowd.

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