12 - Finished Song

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The next morning, Odette woke up. She glanced around the room and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she realized that she wasn't in her usual sleeping place. She then realized that she had been offered to stay at the studio with Hudson and the others and that she had accepted the offer.

She sighed in content and stretched her arms out. She hadn't had a good nights sleep in a while. She stood up from her bed and approached the large mirror that sat on the drawer a few feet in front of her bed. Her hair was slightly messy, but not noticably messy. She brushed it out. Her dark purple tank top and black sweatpants sat on her body nicely. She felt strange being able to walk around like this. However, the other members were unaware of who she really was, but she did intend to tell them today.

Placing her cape on and hood on over her head, she left the room and walked down the stairs. She saw the members all in the kitchen, eating. She smiled softly at them. They were all like one, big, happy family. She wondered if she could ever have that again. As the members spotted her, they all looked her way and stared suspiciously and cautiously, except for Hudson, who smiled warmly towards her.

"Um.... morning," she greeted them with a small wave as she came down the stairs and stopped at the bottom.

"Morning, look, I think you should leave after breakfast," Parker insisted.

"We all agreed to she could stay here," Hudson protested as he eyed the eldest. Parker sighed, but didn't say anything.

"Thanks for letting me stay here," Odette thanked them graciously, "I think it is time that I tell you who I actually am and why I became a thief." The others seemed curious and all looked at her with questioning looks. She took in a deep breath as she removed her hood, revealing her true identity. The boys all looked at her for a moment before it clicked to where they had seen her before. They were all surprised at who she really was. She carefully told them about her past and explained why she became a thief.

"We're sorry that your past was so awful," Abel apologized sincerely, "That must have been tough for someone so young."

"Yeah, I didn't tell you though so that you could pity me," she responded with a nod, "I just want you guys to understand that not all criminals are criminals by choice and that sometimes criminals are criminals because that's the only way for them to survive. I was one of those. I had nothing when I left the orphanage. When thieving came to me, I took it because that was the only way that I would survive in this community. Yes, I may be a wanted criminal, but if I was given another choice back then I would have taken that other choice." The members all stared at her for a moment before glancing at each other.

"We understand and we're sorry for judging you so quickly. We had no idea there was actually a story behind why you became a thief," Abel spoke sincerity in his voice as he placed his hand on her shoulder. She smiled at him in response.

"I'm ok with you staying here, but only if we can call you by your actual name," Gabe insisted with a bright smile. She stifled a laugh as she nodded in agreement. He smiled back.

"Ok, so are you hungry?" Tony asked curiously. She nodded in response as she was guided to the kitchen and to the table. A place was set for her as she sat down. The others sat down too as Parker placed some food in front of them. They ate together, enjoying their breakfast and their newfound friend. They chatted among each other. She carefully listened getting to know each member perfectly.

Once they were done, she helped Parker with the cleaning before they all sat on the couch in the living room, watching movies and playing video games. For once, she was having fun, something that she never thought she would be able to do in so long and she had people around her who trusted her. She felt almost as if she had a true family once again and it made her heart fill with happiness.

Just then, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She glanced around to see Hudson gesturing with his head to follow him. She raised her eyebrow at him, but followed him nonetheless. She followed him to his bedroom, where he closed the door.

"So what's up?" She asked curiously as she sat on his bed. He picked up some headphones on his desk and handed them to her. "What are these for?"

"I finished the song, so I want you to listen to it," he stated with a hopeful look in his eyes and a small smile. Odette stared at him for a moment before smiling and giving a small nod. "Really?" His eyes go wide in surprise.

"Yeah, sure, I'll listen," she replied with a shrug as she placed the headphones over her ears and waited for him to press play on the song. He nodded as he pressed play on his computer and sat down in his chair. She listened to the song. The tempo and mood of the song surprised her a bit. It seemed to describe her life in certain levels and stages throughout the song. It started off solemn and gloomy then went into a high energy beat then became tranquil. A smile appeared on her face as the song came to a close. She took off the headphones.

"So, how was it? Was it ok?" He asked unsure with a nervous look.

"Yeah... it's amazing. Thank you," she thanked him with a thankful smile as she handed him back the headphones, "Do you have any more songs?"

"Just solo songs. I don't have many other songs that don't relate to Rising Sun, but I do have a couple," he answered with a small smile.

"Can I hear them?" She asked with a curious look. He slowly nodded as he handed the headphones back to her. He let her sit in his chair while he stood up. He leaned over her slightly and starts playing other songs in his drafts.

Throughout the afternoon, the two spent chatting and listening to music. By 5:00, they had listened to all the music that Hudson had created.

"Odette, if you weren't a thief, what would you want to be?" He asked curiously and randomly. She thought long and hard before she smiled.

"Possibly a fashion designer. I've always been interested in the fashion industry and creating new styles," she voiced with an excited smile, "You know, it would be cool to see others wearing what you created. It gives you a certain amount of pride."

"I think you'd make a good fashion designer. In fact, I think you should stop being a thief and be a fashion designer instead," he insisted with a grin, "Even be our fashion designer."

"Haha, yeah, I'll think about it," she responded as she laughed. He chuckled with her and as they both laughed together, warmth and affection filled their hearts. They gazed at each other with soft looks in their eyes.

Before they knew what they were doing, they began leaning in slowly. Unaware of their feelings, the closer they got the more nervous they felt. Their lips were a few inches from touching and before they touched she pulled back. She cleared her throat and looked away embarrassed. He realized what they had almost done and also turned his head away embarrassed. Both of their cheeks were bright red as they imagined what they had almost done.

"Um...... you should show the others the song," she suggested awkwardly, "I'm sure they'll love it."

"S-Sure....," he stuttered as he grabbed his drawing and followed her out of his room. They walked down the stairs, avoiding eye contact, and not saying a single word to each other.

When they arrived downstairs, he showed the others his song. They all were quite amazed at his talent and praised him. Parker decided to make supper. The others had asked what else Odette and Hudson had done in his room other than listen to his song.

Immediately when they heard that, both glanced at each other before quickly looking away with flustered looks. It got the other members quite curious and teasing was their specialty. Nevertheless, she was happy because she could share something similar to a family with the boys. Plus, both her and Hudson were slowly realizing their rising feelings towards each other.

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