11 - Old Man A Visit

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Hudson glanced at his phone at the time as he sat with his members on the couch, watching a movie. He sighed when he realized that he still had and hour and a half until he had to go meet The Red Rose at the address that she had given to him. He was excited and curious as to what kind of place their address would be.

"Why do you keep glancing at your watch?" Michael asked curiously, "You need somewhere?" Hudson only shrugged in response, trying to confuse his members.

The others sighed and glanced at each other in response, but said nothing as they looked back to the TV. He peered at his phone again and sighed as his patience was running low. He wondered, would it really be that bad if he went there early? The Red Rose probably wouldn't be mad if he got there early.

"Um..... I'm gonna head out for a little bit," he announced as he stood up from the sofa and stretched his arms out. Immediately when he said that, all of his members glanced at him with curious and suspicious looks. "What? I'm going for a stroll. It's not nighttime, so it'll be fine." The others sighed in response.

"Fine, just be back by 7:00 at the latest," Parker insisted nervously. Hudson nodded in response as he waved to his members before grabbing a jacket, and rushing out the studio. He had used Google maps to see where the address was and it wasn't too far from the house.

If he took a taxi there, it would take 20 minutes and would make him super early. If he walked then it would take 45 minutes and would still make him early, but at least he wouldn't be too early. He nodded to himself as he decided to walk to the location.

The sun was out, beaming down onto his face and a light breeze tickled his cheeks as he walked. It was a pleasant afternoon. His hat covered his face if he looked down at the ground. His disguise worked perfectly and not a single fan came rushing up to him. If a fan had recognized him then he would be in trouble of being late.

At exactly 10 minutes before 5:00, he arrived at the address. It was a medium-sized house with a garden in the front and a pool out back. He wondered why The Red Rose would want to come here. Regardless, the house looked rather empty and dull as if nobody had lived in it for over a year. He waited just outside of the house, on the sidewalk, glancing around every minute to see if she came yet.

At about one minute before 5:00, a figure with a hooded cape approached him. It was clear as day that it was The Red Rose. Her black hair sparkled in the sunlight, her porcelain skin glistened as the rays touched it, and her glossy, red lips shined brightly.

"Huh, I didn't expect you to be early," she said curtly as she sent him a faint smirk. He smiled as he shrugged in response.

"So, why here?" He asked curiously as he gestured to the house. She stared up at the house for a moment in silence before letting out a breath.

"I haven't been here for more than five years," she answered in a soft voice, "Someone important to me lives here. I thought it was time for me to visit."

"Who?" He asked curiously, but she didn't respond.

"Let's go," she instructed as she walked towards the door. She knocked on the door, but there was no answer, so she knocked on it again and there was still no answer.

Sighing, she turned the knob and pushed open the door. She carefully stepped inside and glanced around. The house was empty of people and it was falling apart. She stepped more into the house and he followed after her.

"I guess he or she is not home," he stated with a shrug.

"Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. I can clearly see that," she retorted sarcastically as she rolled her eyes at him, who shrugged again, "Alright, nevermind. I'll come another time. Let's just go." He nodded as the two of them turned around, but a figure stood in front of them. It was a man in his late 70s.

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