2 - The Red Rose

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After meeting The Red Rose, Hudson hurried back to the shared dorm of Rising Sun. Unable to wait, he took his phone out and opened the chatroom.

~~Chatroom Opened~~

(Hudson has entered the chatroom)

Hudson: Hello?! Anybody here?! Hello?!?!

(Parker has entered the chatroom)

Parker: Hudson? What's wrong? What happened?

(Abel has entered the chatroom)

Abel: Hudson! You're ok!

Parker: Wait.... I thought you were asleep.....

Abel: I was, but I couldn't knowing that Hudson could be possibly in danger.

Parker: Yeah.... anyways, what's up Hudson?

Hudson: Where's the others? They all need to hear this!

Abel: I'll go wake them up.

(Abel has left the chatroom)

Parker: Are you back at the studio?

Hudson: No, but I'm on my way. I just couldn't wait to tell you guys what happened.

Parker: Alright, well, now I'm curious.

(Abel has entered the chatroom)

Abel: I'm back!

(Tony has entered the chatroom)

Tony: Alright, I'm here. What's up?

(Michael has entered the chatroom)

Michael: Ok! What was so important that I had to be woken from my beauty sleep?! You all better have a good reason!

(Bobby has entered the chatroom)

Bobby: Hi Hudson! Are you back yet?

(Gabe has entered the chatroom)

Gabe: Hudson, why'd you call all of us here? I was just about to fall asleep. T~T

Hudson: No, but I'm almost there and sorry Gabe.

Michael: Can we hurry it up? I can barely keep my eyes open.

Hudson: Fine! So, I was walking and I was held at gun point by this group of thugs and when I thought it was all over for me The Red Rose appeared and saved my life!

Tony: .............

Abel: .........

Michael: ..........

Gabe: O-o

Bobby: 0_0

Parker: Wait...... WHAT?!?!

Hudson: I know right! It was awesome!

Parker: You got held at gun point!!! How is that awesome!?!?

Tony: Wait, you were serious?!?!?!

Hudson: Yeah! Do you really think that I would joke about something like this??!!

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