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          Your eyes start to open up, you are somewhere damp, and dark, and more importantly, you seem to be caught on something. Your limbs couldn't move as if it was being restrained by something sticky.

     As your eyes had finally adjusted you could fairly make out the outline of the spider web wrapped around your wrist and legs, it was thick which would be futile to use your teeth with.

     Searching your surroundings was even more difficult as there was barely any such source of light, yet something in the darkness glinted just a few feet away from your position. With all your strength, you reach for it, you grit your teeth and push harder just to reach something that you don't even know what it'll be.

     Your hand grazed something metallic, sleek, and a bit rusted but you grabbed it, it was sharp. You knew that because the moment your fingers clasped around it—it stung—the pain was immense; yet you used the blade to cut yourself free from the confinement of the web. Who knows when its creator will return?

     You fell from your previous position, you groaned as you landed on your back, you seriously have no idea how you got here—why you woke up here—did you lose consciousness?

     Standing on both your feet you placed a hand against the wall to lead your way out of the 'cave' careful not to trip.

     The way was getting narrower, and your bare feet could barely handle the rocky floor, getting sore from each sharp stone you stepped on.

     Finally, you see an opening, the outside seemed white, with trees, quickly running out you were met with snow.


     The cold air hit you like a truck, you wrapped your arms around yourself and shuddered with gritted teeth. Your clothes, currently, weren't fit for such a low climate as it was only a thin shirt and shorts; both dirtied.

     With a shaky breath, you forced yourself forward, hopefully there was a savior out there, right?

MEMORY LANE : The Owl House • READER INSERTWhere stories live. Discover now