⭐ Where The Past Fell into Darkness ⭐

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"Oh no!" A familiar boy yelled. "Mechabot! Get up! We are late to school!"
Mechabot growled, it was flying around playing video games as usual. It said, "I'm already up, Amato. It's your fault!"
The boy's name was Amato. It was few years back. He was a normal kid who went to school with his friends. But owns a robot in particular.
Amato slipped down the stairs and fell and rolled all along downstairs. Then his mother, who was the grandmother of Boboiboy, came out of the kitchen. Her name was Ummi.
Ummi: Amato, dear. Are you okay?
Amato: I'm fine! It's always bad luck. It happens when I'm going to school. Ouch!
Mechabot: Actually. It's because of the banana peel I threw there in the morning.
Amato: [Gets angry] You! MECHABOT! YOU MONSTER! [starts chasing Mechabot]
Ummi: I thought you didn't have time at all.
Amato: [Stops] Oh yeah! [about to run]
Ummi: Here's your breakfast. You shouldn't skip it again!
Amato: Okay mom! [stuffs the bread in his mouth and runs hurriedly.]

Tok aba was doing something outside and notices Amato leaving for school and waves him bye. Amato waves back to him and mechanizes his bicycle with Mechabot into Mechabike.

Amato: Let's go Mechabot!
Mechabot: (Disoriented) Alright, alright.

Then, after a while, while riding to the school. Amato starts to realize something.
Amato: Hey, don't you think I'm forgetting something?
Mechabot: That's your brain not mine to think.
Amato: This is not about brains anyway. You never change.
Mechabot: So, do you!
Amato: Alright! Alright! Now what was it hmm? (What am I forgetting?)

Mechabot was taking half control of the bike while Amato was thinking hard. But, when it almost came to him, he was almost hit by a car. Amato exclaimed and pulled the brakes to stop.
He says, "Sorry, sorry!" and starts to go the other way.

Mechabot: Are you trying to kill yourself? You are too young to die, you know?
Amato: No! I didn't mean to!
Mechabot: Was it really necessary to think about it now!?
Amato: Hey! Fine! Don't scream! It's my mistake. And why do you suddenly care about me?
Mechabot: I don't.
Amato: Huh~ But why do I find it so hard to believe it? And also, the fact that you are a bad robot?
Mechabot: I am a bad robot!
Amato: Weird one.

And again, Amato continued to ride forward, and some shadow was following him. And makes a sound that attracts the attention of Amato.

Amato: Hey, what was that sound?
Mechabot: What sound? I didn't hear any. Do you think a bad robot is here?
Amato: Maybe [stops the bike and takes out the scanner] Rubika! Do you find any bad robots nearby?
Rubika: Scanning..................... No bad robots found.
Amato: Strange. That sound was too different.
Mechabot: It must be the stray cats messing around.
Amato: No! It didn't sound like that! It was like some sort of-
Mechabot: Hey! You want to be late for school?
Amato: Um... Okay. I don't want to get lectured by Mr. Jamie for being late. Again.

After a while, when they reach the school gate. Amato un-mechanizes his bicycle and starts placing it in the parking slot. He still gets the feeling of being followed until he went inside the school.
Mechabot: Amato, stop daydreaming, will you?
Amato: No, Mechabot. Don't you feel that someone is following you?
Mechabot: I don't feel that. Like I said, it must be a cat or a chicken that always irritates you.
Amato: That blue one? Seriously? I still don't get it how does it get and carry things. Or steal them. But-

Before Amato completes his sentence, Mara, one of his friends. She is disabled because of a fire accident and is a wheelchair user. But she is extremely intelligent, brave and has will power to do something. Arrives speaking.

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