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"You are really a Psycho, to Be honest..." Boboiboy said deadpanning to Reverse Amato.

Reverse Amato gets astonished for a reason as his eyes widen. "Wait a sec-  Are you thinking I was the murderer??"

"Yep. Then what else?" Boboiboy shrugs slightly teasing him. And Reverse Amato got a bit angry too.


And there was a hit on the backside of Boboiboy's head. "Ooouch! What was that for....?" He gives pout looks.

"Then why would I waste my time narrating you this story until the TWO FREAKING REVERSES THAT LOOK LIKE YOUR DAD!?"

Boboiboy sweatdrops and rapidly waves his hands in the way of signing apologies. "I'm sorry! Okay! I'll be patient to listen the story!!"

"Stupid Potato." Mumbled Reverse Amato. And Boboiboy looked at him making a dirty face.

"I'm a what?"

"Stupid Potato. Because I think your face looks like a potato."

"I already said that I'm extremely sorry! Okay. Thanks for that ugly name! I don't care! Just start with the story already!"

"Alright -"

"Oh wait! How did Tok Aba know about all this demons stuff??"

"Yeesh......" Reverse Amato gets tired and facepalms himself. "Someone told they'll wait patiently a moment ago. And I am freaking getting to that!"

After that getting thrown away by the circle incident. Amato and Mechabot returned home really late and as Amato knocked the door slowly..

Tok Aba opened the door and looked at Amato and let's him in first.

Tok Aba: Ey, Amato? Where were you? It is freezing outside.

Amato: Uh..Dad...Me and Pian were working with a project...for school.

Amato looks away from Tom Aba's face in sadness. And Mechabot notices his grievance he also knew that Amato lied and he didn't want their parents to know about what he was doing.

Tok Aba: Oh. Okay. Make sure you get home early. You have school tomorrow!

Amato: Okay, dad.

Amato climbs up the stairs in haste as if he was trying to escape Tok Aba's sight. As soon as he came in his room and the moment let Mechabot in, he slammed the door shut.

Mechabot: Ey, I know your angry, just try not to break the door!

Amato: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it....

Amato said as he settled on his bed and laid his head on the pillow...while Mechabot flew up of the bed. But something was holding Amato to sleep.

The other reason could be that he was actually afraid to sleep right now.

Amato: Mechabot...

Mechabot: Hmm?

Amato: So...You knew their plan all along?...Why didn't you tell me?

Mechabot: Well...Since you are fine...I could tell you...At first we all thought that you might be possessed because you were the one who fell under Shadow Bot's curse....

Amato: So, were you all afraid to tell me what happened?

Mechabot:Yes..and we are really sorry... Because...Mara said us to do it...

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