Sinking Heart 1

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Picture of Aria as Nina Dobrev.

Aria's POV -

Two months ago

"Look at her!" I hear Mandy snap. Oh god, here she goes again...

"Mandy just igno-" I started but, of course, she cut me off.

"Look at him!" I let out a frustrated sigh before slapping my best friend on the arm for being an idiot.

"Aria- what the heck was that for?" she whined rubbing her arm.

I grinned in satisfaction. "Well, it got your attention, didn't it?"

"But, b-but BUT just..." She paused dramatically before continuing "Just LOOK at them!" She finally yelled out; which by the way, did not go unnoticed by people.

"I'm looking." I simply stated.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "They're dancing together!"

I nodded. "They are."

She let out a frustrated sigh and took a deep breath. She gets riled up so easily, it's impossible not to laugh.

"Aria" She stated firmly.

"I am Aria." I pressed.

I can see Mandy turn a little red. Oh Mandy, you are so entertaining.

"I swear I could kill you right now but Jace is here and me killing you wouldn't exactly be an attractive sight so I suggest you shut up and help me out here before I accidentally; not only kill you, but that..that..THAT skank dancing with him too!" She rambled grabbing my arm and dragging me with her to the door.

It's not over yet ladies and gentlemen.

"He's dancing with her and looking at me smugly like LIKE that's supposed to mean something! He is MY goddamn boyfriend so why the hell is he dancing with a tramp like her, yeah? Does he think he can make me jealous because let me just tell you this--" She paused moving aside.

"After you" She said smiling respectfully at the girl trying to squeeze in between us.

"Let me just tell you this, Mandy does NOT get jealous! He can never make me freaking jealous alright!" She finished.

That's when I cracked up.

Did she seriously just stop her rant, told the girl to go ahead politely then resumed her rant. My god, that was priceless.

"Oh my god.." I said between laughs. "I seriously love you Mandy" I said trying to calm down my laughter.

Mandy stopped and stomped her foot childishly.

"You are not helping Aria." She stated pouting.

I held in another laugh. "Okay." I said in a straight face. "I'm sorry."

Don't laugh Aria, I told myself. This is serious seriousness right now.

And that ladies and gentlemen is when I cracked up. Again.

"Aria?" I heard Mandy call innocently.

"Yes?" I asked still trying to keep my laughter under control.

"I have your keys." She said smiling smugly.

I immediately stopped laughing.

"Crap." I mumbled.  

"Crap indeed my friend." She agreed smirking.

"You know.." I sighed "Sometimes I really do hate you." I said rolling my eyes.

But that only caused her to laugh. "You want your keys?" She asked dangling them in front of my face.

"...Yes..?" I hesitantly asked.

"Alright." She nodded. "But stop laughing at me." She stated narrowing her eyes at me humorously. One thing about Mandy is that she could never be intimidating; like ever.

"I'll stop laughing at you." I agreed. "Now give me my keys back!"

She just stared blankly at me. "Please?" I rolled my eyes knowing that was exactly what she wanted to hear.

"Good girl." She replied before throwing my keys at my head like it was the most natural thing she's ever done. Like that did not hurt at all...Nah, did not hurt at all.

"Bitch" I muttered under my breath before picking my keys off the floor.

"What was that?" I heard Mandy yell from behind me.

I huffed before turning around and following her to my car. "Nothing, I was just saying how much I love you!" I yelled back.

"Mhm, I thought so." She replied smirking at me when I caught up with her.

I stuck my tongue out at her. "Just get in the god damn car."

"Aye aye captain!" She replied sarcastically.

"Your sarcasm is not appreciated." 

We buckled our seat belts and off we went.  

You know, the night wasn't supposed to end this way. This wasn't supposed to happen. None of it, was supposed to happen. I thought that bad things only happen to bad people. Was that the case?

Was that the case with us? Because one second; we were in my car, singing to the radio, coming back from a party; and the next second, our world spun around, my car flipped around, rolling down the hill as we went down with it.

Was that really the case? Because I don't know who hit us. Because everything went silent, as did our screams. Because we couldn't move. Because the smell of blood was everywhere. Because I was stuck and because I couldn't see Mandy anymore.

Was that honestly, seriously, the case? Because a second ago; my best friend, Mandy, would still be alive. Because, now, she's gone.

I, on the other hand, am still alive; and forever will live with my guilt.

The guilt of killing my best friend.






Thank you!:)

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