Sinking Heart 3

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Aria's POV -

I bolted up, letting out an ear piercing scream. I could hear my own heart racing rapidly; sweat covering the back of my neck. I sighed and took deep breaths, hoping to calm myself down. The felt so real. 

I'm almost sure I was being suffocated, I could still feel it. I could still feel hands wrapping around my neck tightly, cutting off my air supply. 

I ran a hand through my knotted, long brown hair, and shook my head. It's only a dream; I reminded myself. My bedroom door was flung open as Damon rushed over to my side frantically asking me if I was okay. It was the first time something like that has ever happened.

"Why are you crying Aria? What happened? Are you alright?" Damon fired questions at me. I knew he was only worried but; wait...crying?

I brought my hand up to my cheek and surprisingly enough, I was, indeed, crying.

Confused myself, I looked up at him like a lost puppy. "I-I don't know..I had a dream- more like a nightmare but I can't seem to remember, I-I just, it felt so real; it's like I was being suffocated." I tried explaining.

He rubbed my back soothingly. "It's alright, you're alright." He said kissing my forehead gently. He pulled away and gave me a kind smile. "I made chocolate chip pancakes."

My favorite. I gave him one my rare, real smiles back. "I'll take a shower and be down." I said. He nodded and left my room to get dressed himself.

I really wasn't looking forward to starting my first day of school today. I just wish Damon was with me, but sadly, he graduated last year and he's starting his first day of college today. I just don't know how I'm going to survive a year of High School by myself...I mean I already started my day shaken up, by the nightmare.

I stripped off my clothes and took a long hot shower, which always seemed to calm me down. I wrapped a towel around myself, and rummaged through my bags for a cute outfit. I haven't unpacked yet so it's a little harder to find exactly what I wanted.

I settled on a pair of light blue, jean shorts with a dark blue tank top. I blow dried my long, light brown hair and straightened it. It  reached above my belly button. I've never liked makeup so I just applied a layer of mascara and chap stick.

I grabbed my school bag, put on my dark blue, converse and made my way down the stairs to the kitchen, where Damon was stuffing his face with pancakes. 

I let out a chuckle. "Very attractive, Damon." I teased which had him pouting.

"Hey, I'm a guy!" He defended.

"And...all guys eat like this?" I asked emphasising the word 'this'. I mean that's pretty disgusting to be honest.

"All guys eat like this." He assured me.

"If that's your story!" I teased, stealing one of the pancakes off his plate.

Damon stopped the car in front of the school entrance. River High School. I looked around at all the people scattered around. I don't like it, I decided. I can already tell the jocks from the nerds; and the cheerleaders. Typical, I thought. 

Everyone here was rich. Thanks mom and dad, I thought sarcastically. It's going to be full of snobby girls and guys.

"Okay." Damon started when he parked the car. "I'll come down with you to enroll you in the office and make sure you get to your first hour, okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah..okay." He didn't have to do that but he knew that I needed him. It was the first year of High School where I didn't have anyone with me. Not Mandy. Not Damon.

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